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採精記錄 (824)
優質牛排行榜 (799)

0 Foreword 0 目錄 Contents 0 與牛共甘苦
目錄 Contents

目錄 Contents

Year Cattle Buffalo
1968 一天的開始The beginning of the day (12)
1971 舉步為艱Step in the mud (13) 牧童Shepherd boy (80)
耕田Tilling the land (81)
鷺鷥為伴The egret is a partner (82)
1972 舐犢情深Parental love (14)
1973 種花生Planting the peanut (15) 餵小牛Feeding the calf (83)
1974 木炭窯Charcoal kiln (84)
帶隊過河The lead team crosses river (85)
1975 一鋤頭一畚箕One hoe one dustpan (16) 晨光序曲Dawn overture (86)
牧童Shepherd boy (17) 路邊有嫩草Off spring of grass (87)
1976 一家三口Family of three (18)
任重道遠Having heavy responsibilities (19)
砂石場Granulated substance quarry (20)
涉水Wading (21)
1977 放牛吃草Grazing (88)
水牛相Water buffalo (89)
1978 大捲尾和小牛仔Circle tail meet bird cowboy (22) 咬牙切齒To grind one's teeth in anger (90)
全副武裝Tto be fully arme (91)
1979 偷吃Eating stealthily (23) 你走你的陽關道You walk your broad highway (92)
早早出門Going out early (24)
初生之犢Newborn calf (25)
緊工Workers (26)
獨樹一角Horn in bed (27)
春耕Spring plowing (28)
母愛Maternal love (29)
1980 豐富的早餐Rich breakfast (93)
渡河To cross the river (94)
趕牛Catches up with the cow (95)
1982 迎春牛The ox that welcomes new year (96)
1983 小姑獨處Unmarried woman (30) 水牛挑戰火炎山The water buffalo challenges Mt. Huoyan (97)
1988 碎碎唸Saying garrulously (98)
洗澡ㄜTaking a bath (99)
1990 日出而作Early rising (31) 督陣Commanding on the battlefield (100)
1991 橫渡Crossing (101)
戲水Playing with water (102)
早起的牛群Getting up early cattle (104)
1994 細訴Saying gently (32) 自得其樂Being content with one's lot (105)
媽咪!麥當勞好不好Mummy! Is macdonald ok (33) 魚米之鄉Land of plenty (106)
吃奶之力Try your best (34) 早起出門Getting up early and going out (107)
牛奶奶The prefect grandmother (35) 讓我喝口茶Let me have a tea (108)
母乳最香The mother's milk is most fragrant (36)
1995 牛影憧憧Ox shades flickering (37) 暮歸Heading home of dusk (109)
午後斜陽Afternoon setting sun (38) 大草原牧場Prairie pasture (110)
落跑Sneaking (111)
悠游自在At ease (112)
大橋下Under the bridge (113)
鬥Fighting (115)
一對佳偶Couple (116)
挑釁Provocation (117)
媽媽!還要走多遠Mom. How long should we walk for? (118)
我最酷I’m so cool. (119)
1996 早安!快吃噢!Good morning. Eating quickly (39) 跟屁蟲Copycat (114)
牛鈴響起The ox bell resounding (40) 趕集Going to the market (120)
回家路上On the way home (41) 站崗Standing guard (121)
威武Might (42) 午休Lunch break (122)
牛車Ox cart (43) 翻跟斗Tumbling (123)
力不從心The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (124)
大風吹The gale blows (125)
大水牛Big water buffalo (126)
犀牛望月Rhinoceros is looking the moon (127)
含情脈脈Have sentimental eyes … (128)
左看右看Looking right and left (129)
餵牛Feeding the oxen (130)
水草長春Green green grass (131)
1997 愛孫.愛牛Lovely grandson.Lovely ox (44)
下工回家Going home after work (45)
牽牛出門Pulling the ox to go out (46)
閹牛Bullock (47)
午後Afternoon (48)
1998 掌牛哥睡當晝Let me take a nap (49) 牛脾氣Stubbornness (132)
親親Kiss (50)
養牛人家Raises the cow family (51)
2000 明天好插怏bornness (133)
春耕雲霧濃The spring plowing fog is thick (134)
耍脾氣to get into a huff (135)
散熱Radiation (136)
2001 牛車逛大街Cattle taxi (52) 水牛VS鐵牛Water buffalo VS Iron ox (137)
我們都是好朋友We all are the best friends (53) 打碌碡Hits the stone roller (138)
呵護Protecting (54) 精疲力盡Exhausted (139)
我要回家「樂」!I’ll go home happily (55) 犒賞Gratuity (140)
不安於室This place not for me (56) 相安無事Living in peace with each other (141)
牛車載人The ox cart carries the human (57) 兩大之間Between the giants (142)
你累了嗎?Are you tired? (58) 早晨的原野Wilderness in the morning (143)
鷺鷥群VS大水牛Egretes VS Big water buffalo (144)
發飆Acting crazy (145)
2002 與牛為伍Be the cattle’s companion (146)
攔路牛Blocks the way the cow (147)
賴床Sleepy head (148)
大哥帶隊Big brother leads (149)
六月斜陽In June setting sun (150)
報告!實到29頭Sir, 29 ready (152)
曙光乍現Dawn for the first time presently (153)
孤島Isolated island (154)
各據一方Occupying seperately (155)
2003 選秀大會Talented show (59) 和諧共生As a family (156)
玲瑯滿目Parts for animal handling (60) 雙胞胎家族The twins family (157)
試掛牛鈴Trying to hang ox bell (61) 集結Getting together (158)
中間人Intermediate (62) 下車了Getting off the car (159)
花童Flower boys and girls (63) 牛背上的英雄The hero on the back of ox (160)
大嘴巴Big mouth (64)
神氣活現High and mighty (65)
悄悄話Intimate conversation (66)
退場Leaving the stage (67)
2004 滿載而歸Returning home with a full load (68)
起舞Dancing (69)
2005 彩妝秀Make-up show (161)
迎賓門Welcomes guests the gate (162)
大肚子Big tummy (163)
小精靈Fairy (164)
癲痢頭Insane dysentery head (165)
毛毛蟲Caterpillar (166)
黑麻吉Chocolate cake (167)
三代同浴Three generations with bath (168)
瀟灑走一回Easy life (169)
大會師Gathering (170)
2006 獵影Hunting the shadow (172)
早起的牛群The cattle get up early (173)
晨操Morning exercises (174)
漫步海濱Strolls the seashore (175)
奔馳Coursing (176)
風和日麗It’s clear and cunny (178)
小心前有深溝Be careful with the gulley in front of you (179)
可愛的牛仔cute cowboy (180)
精銳部隊Crack troops (181)
2007 磨蹭Lingering (70) 爭先恐後Rushing to be first (182)
保護柵Guarantees gate (71) 快到家了Getting the home quickly (184)
盼To hope (72) 凝視Staring at (185)
覓食Looking for food (73) 黃紗滾滾The yellow gauze is billowing (186)
老闆與大掌櫃Boss and big storekeeper (74) 下午茶Afternoon tea (188)
午休時間Lunch break (75)
1.2.1向前走One. Two. One.Walking forward (76)
小牛仔Young cowboy (77)
美滿家庭Satisfactory family (78)
2008 耍寶Go tricking (183)
2009 睡懶覺Having a long lazy sleep (189)
0 Foreword 0 目錄 Contents 0 與牛共甘苦
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