此文件來自 台灣畜產種原知識庫


Meat Quality Scanning Technology of Breeding Pigs - Denmark and Taiwan


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目錄 Contents

議程 Program(.htm)

 ● 丹麥豬肉品質的發展

 The Development of Danish Meat Quality

 Mr. Soren-Brain, Lyngesen 丹麥肉品專家

 ● 臺灣種豬選拔與肉質相關性

 The correlations between the selection and the meat quality of Taiwan breeding pigs

 遺傳育種組 陳佳萱副研究員

 Chia-Hsuan Chen.  Associate Researcher

 Livestock Research Institute (LRI)

 ● 豬育種採用丹麥技術-攜手並進

 Adoption of Danish Technologies – “Hand-In-Hand

 Dr. Sussie Ketit  丹麥育種及設備專家

 ● 臺灣現有豬隻屠體及肉質評估之概況

 Overview of current carcass and meat quality evaluation in Taiwan

 加工組 凃榮珍副研究員

 Rung-Jen Tu.  Associate Researcher

 Livestock Research Institute (LRI)

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