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第二十七卷(1998) (28669)
藍瑞斯側面照 (1052)
約克夏母豬合照(英文) (1192)
杜格克完檢(中文) (1213)
約克夏母豬合照(中文) (725)

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此文件提供者: agrkb - [評分 : 0.00 (0 票選) | 評分!]

Black Goat

Location of Conservation: Hwalien Breeding Animal Propagation Station
Taiwan Livestock Research Institute
Hwalien, Taiwan
Republic of China
Tel: 886-38-525901
Fax: 886-38-523874
Contributor: Mr. I-Chang Shih


Visible Characteristics

  1. Coat color is solid black or dark brown with no white spots.
  2. Small in size. Move quickly.
  3. Both sexes have beards at mature.
  4. Horns grow toward back and edging out. Most of bucks are active.
  5. Heat tolerance. Gregarious. Good maternal behavior.
  6. Accept coarse food.

Growth Performance

Birth weight: 2.02±0.30 Kg in male; 1.71±0.40 Kg in female
Litter weight with single kid: 2.17±0.40 Kg
Litter weight with twin kids: 3.95±0.60 Kg
Litter weight with triple kids: 5.5±0.9 Kg
Body weight at 3-month old: 11.2±3.2 Kg (M) ; 10.1±1.2 Kg (F)
ADG before 3 monthes old: 0.102±0.017 Kg (M) ; 0.091±0.018 Kg (F)
Yearing weight: 2023 Kg


Reproductive Performance

Age at first conception: 242±19 days
Gestation length: 147±1 days
Farrowing interval: 221±13 days
Kidding rate by 100 does: 174
Singling rate: 41.94
Twinning rate: 51.62
Tripling rate: 3.22
Quadrupling rate: 3.22
Survival rate at weaning 75.08


Conformation Measurements

Yearing body length: 4851 cm
Yearing withers height: 4648 cm
Yearing chest girth: 5963 cm 

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