陳佳萱 張秀鑾 吳明哲 廖仁寶 陳若菁
C. H. Chen, H. L. Chang, M. C. Wu, R. B. Liaw and J. C. Chen
Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture
The B allele in the estrogen receptor locus (ESR) is regarded as prolificacy gene in the study. Sows with BB genotype in ESR can produce 1.5~2.3 live piglets more per litter. The difference of mutation points between A and B alleles was used to design a specific primer which was then used directly to genotype tested animals via PCR. A total of 59 Meishan pigs were genotyped in the preliminary study and results showed 94.9﹪(56/59) pigs with BB genotype and the rests with AB genotype. The percentages of BB, AB and AA genotypes in 176 tested boars from Boar Test Station were 1.1, 9.7 and 89.2﹪, respectively. When comparison was made within breed, 13.6﹪(9/66) and 3.4﹪(3/89) tested boars with AB genotype were detected in Landrace (L) or Duroc (D) breeds, respectively but none of pigs with BB type was observed in the corresponding breeds. However, there were 9.5﹪(2/21) and 23.8﹪(5/21) of tested boars with BB and AB genotypes, respectively in Yorkshire (Y) breed. Also, when the technique was applied to 235 boars of private breeding farms for detection, results indicated that there were 24.2(24/99), 66.0(31/47) and 5.6﹪(5/89) boars with ESR B allele in L, Y and D breeds, respectively. Furthermore, results obtained from 67 sows of Hal-1843 CC-genotype herd in the institute showed that the frequencies of ESR-BB, -AB and -AA were 25.4, 53.7 and 20.7﹪, respectively in the stress-free herd. In general, the frequency of Y pigs with ESR-B allele (66.0﹪) was much high that of L pigs (24.2﹪), nevertheless the corresponding frequency was even lower in Duroc breed (5.6﹪). Therefore, identification of pigs with ESR B allele is one of major goals in marker assisted selection (MAS) program currently conducted in private breeding swine farms.
Key Words: Estrogen receptor, Genotype, Breed.
