陳佳萱 顏念慈 吳明哲
本試驗旨在收集台灣杜洛克豬新品種體型性狀,藉以了解公豬與母豬體型差異。台灣杜洛克豬血統組成是高畜黑豬與杜洛克雜交,經過4代級進育種而成。高畜黑豬血統組成乃是由50%杜洛克與50%梅山豬級進而成,因此台灣杜洛克代豬已具有93.75%杜洛克與6.25%梅山豬,足以定調為台灣杜洛克新品種。調查台灣杜洛克豬R4與R5代147 ± 3天完檢豬隻平均體型性狀,公母體型分別為平均體重96.77 ± 11.35與 90.40 ± 6.45公斤; 體高59.59 ± 6.90與 55.75 ± 4.70公分; 體長108.75 ± 5.31與109 ± 4.78公分; 胸圍103.88 ± 6.38與 103 ± 4.60公分; 管圍19.44 ± 1.03與 18.50 ± 1.08公分; 後幅32.02 ± 2.76與 31.35 ± 2.40公分; 前幅33.78 ± 2.66與 31.55 ± 2.29公分; 胸深33.62 ± 1.76與 33.9 ± 2.58公分; 三點背脂厚度1.92 ± 0.30與 1.94 ± 0.28公分。母豬除體長較長之外,其餘性狀皆以公豬較大。
C. H. Chen, N. T. Yen and M. C. Wu
Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in body conformation traits between boars and sows of new breed Taiwan Duroc by the collected body conformation traits. A new Taiwan Duroc (Duroc 93.75% × Meishan 6.25%) was developed by crossing KHAPS boars (Duroc 50% × Meishan 50%) with Duroc sows according to the upgrading breeding program. The average body weight, body height, body length, breast circle, foot circle, back width, front width, breast depth, backfat thickness of new Taiwan Duroc at 147 ± 3 day-olds of age were 96.77 ± 11.35 kg, 59.59 ± 6.90 cm, 108.75 ± 5.31 cm, 103.88 ± 6.38 cm, 19.44 ± 1.03 cm, 32.02 ± 2.76 cm, 33.78 ± 2.66 cm, 33.62 ± 1.76 cm, and 1.92 ± 0.30 cm in boars; 90.40 ± 6.45 kg, 55.75 ± 4.70 cm, 109 ± 4.78 cm, 103 ± 4.60 cm, 18.50 ± 1.08 cm, 31.35 ± 2.40 cm, 31.55 ± 2.29 cm, 33.9 ± 2.58 cm and1.94 ± 0.28 cm in sows, respectively. These data showed that all body conformation traits in boars were larger than sows in the new Taiwan Duroc except for the body length.
Key Words: Body height, Body conformation traits, Taiwan Duroc
