顏念慈(1)、陳佳萱(1)、劉桂柱(2)、林克育(2) 、林欽德(3)、吳明哲(1)
(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)台灣區種豬產業協會 (3)中央畜產會
腳蹄問題是種豬淘汰的三大主因之一。本調查目的為應用腳蹄結構評分方法,針對台灣三個品種(藍瑞斯、約克夏及杜洛克)種豬腳蹄結構進行檢測,並統計腳蹄第一名獎頭數與種豬腳蹄評鑑第一、二名獎者之雄親。從 2010年3月3日至 2013年10月15日止,共完成27次共438頭台灣區種豬產業協會展示拍賣之種豬及21期共376頭財團法人中央畜產會中央檢定站完檢之種豬之豬腳結構性狀的檢測。每次之評分經由種公豬豬腳結構評分工作小組三位成員共同進行,包括由劉桂柱與林克育分別擔任主、副審。評分總分為100分,前肢佔40%、後肢佔60%,前肢評分包括前膝關節、前肢前觀、前肢繫部及蹄四部份,後肢包括飛節、後肢後觀、後肢繫部及蹄四部份。腳蹄結構檢測結果,腳蹄第一名獎頭數共185頭,入選腳蹄第一名總頭數在10頭(含)以上之種豬場有六場,第一名獎總頭數前三名者分別占 41.62% (77/185)、10,27% (19/185)及6.49% (12/185),顯示場主對種豬腳蹄結構的重視。其子代公、母在種豬產業協會與中央畜產會腳蹄評分都得第一、二名獎者之雄親,在藍瑞斯占14.86% (11/74)、約克夏占16.67%(4/24)及杜洛克占1.19%(1/84),綜合顯示,腳蹄線性評分資料已成為種豬拍賣資訊的一部分。
N. T. Yen (1) , C. H. Chen(1), K. C. Liu (2), K. Y. Lin (2), C. D. Lin(3) and M. C. Wu(1)
(1)Livestock Research Institute, COA, Executive Yuan, (2)Formosan Farmers Association for Swine Improvement, (3)National Animal Industry Foundation
Feet and legs problem is one of the three major reasons for culling breeding pigs. The purpose of this investigation was to apply a scoring method for evaluating feet and legs of purebreds from three breeds (Landrace, Yorkshire and Duroc) in Taiwan, and to count the number of purebreds with the top grade of feet and legs, and male parent of purebreds from the first, second grade of feet and legs. From March 3, 2010 to October 15, 2013, a total of 438 purebreds of 27 auctions from members of Formosan Farmers Association for Swine Improvement and 376 purebreds of 21 terms from the Central Performance Test Station of National Animal Industry Foundation were scored. Each evaluation was carried out by three representative team members of the working team to score the feet and legs in breeding pigs. The member of Mr. Liu Kuei Chu and Mr. Lin Ko Yu served as chief umpire and vice umpire respectively. Total score was 100 points. Fore Leg which including four parts, angle at the knee joint, legs turning, condition of the pasterns and size and uniformity of claws was 40 points. Hind leg which including four parts, angle at the hock joint, legs turning, condition of the pasterns and size and uniformity of claws was 60 points. The scoring results indicated that the number of breeding pigs with the top grade of feet and legs were 185 heads. There were six swine stock farms which with up 9 heads of breeding pigs with the top grade of feet and legs. The percentage of the top three accounted for total number of breeding pigs with the top grade of feet and legs were 41.62% (77/185), 10,27% (19/185) and 6.49% (12/185), respectively, It showed the scoring method has induced the swine breeding farmer to enforce the structure of pig's feet and legs. The percentage of male parents which their offspring of male and female with the first and second grade of feet and legs at two auction units, Formosan Farmers Association for Swine Improvement and the Central Performance Test Station of National Animal Industry Foundation, in Landrace, Yorkshire and Duroc were 14.86% (11/74), 16.67%(4/24) and 1.19%(1/84), respectively. In summary, the scoring of feet and legs data has become one of the auction information in purebreds.
Key words: Purebred, Paternal effect, Pig hoof evaluation
