郭廷雍(1) 顏念慈(1) 陳裕琪(1) 李三玉(1) 劉桂柱(2) 賴永裕(1) 吳明哲(1)
(1)行政院農委會畜產試驗所 (2)台灣區種豬產業協會
本研究主要目的在建立精子染色體DNA缺損檢測技術並嘗試應用本法作為調查家畜禽物種如豬、鴨、鵝及雞精液染色體DNA缺損之分布情況。染色體DNA缺損使用流式細胞儀分析並計算樣品之DFI ( DNA fragmentation index ) 值,當DFI值愈高表示樣品DNA受損的程度越高。針對180頭豬、58隻白番鴨、30隻白羅曼鵝及277隻土雞進行試驗分析後,結果顯示各樣品中其DFI值≦5%, >10%及>20%之樣品占分析頭數百分比分別為豬38.9%, 17.8%及5.6%、白番鴨為55.2%, 20.7%及3.4%、白羅曼鵝分為20%, 26.7%及3.3%及土雞為42.2%, 19.9% 及19.5%。根據上述資料,家畜禽精子染色體DNA缺損可藉由流式細胞儀進行檢測,而染色體缺損嚴重者(DFI >20%)在各品種間皆可被觀察到,因此家畜禽精液品質評估可新增染色體缺損檢測項目,本法亦可應用於篩除種畜禽場內精子染色體缺損嚴重之個體。
T. Y. Kuo(1), N.T. Yen (1), Y. C. Chen (1), S. Y. Lee (1), K. C. Liu (2), Y.Y. Lai (1) and M.C. Wu (1)
(1) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture (2) Formosan Farmers Association for Swine Improvement
High standards of semen quality in livestock exploited for animal industry are of economic relevance due to its association with fertility and offspring results. The purpose of this study was to establish and investigate the sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) which could be considered normal in livestock such as boar, duck, gooses and chicken. Ejaculates of 180 boar, 58 white Muscovy ducks, 30 white Roman gooses and 277 Native Chicken were analysed and it’s DFI values were calculated by Flow cytometry. The result showed that DFI≦5% among species were 38.9%, 55.2%, 20% and 42.2%; DFI >10% were 17.8%, 20.7%, 26.7% and 19.9% and DFI>20% were 5.6%, 3.4%, 3.3% and 19.5%. An incidence of ejaculates with a DFI higher than 20% has been observed in all species suggest that adding sperm DNA fragmentation as a new parameter to the routine assessment of every ejaculate may be beneficial to the field and the sperm DFI values could be an useful reference in extrusion of breeding animals.
Key Words: Livestock, Sperm, DNA fragmentation
