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體型評鑑 (2116)
約克夏完檢(英文) (1261)
體型評鑑 (1002)
藍瑞斯側面照 (629)
現代養豬2013年10月號 (507)

1. 採精認證九月齡公豬總精子數之採精季節及品種差異研究
2. 畜試土雞近親品系L12之微衛星遺傳標記多樣性分析
3. 高飼效種公豬之精子粒線體完整度檢測
4. 畜試土雞高產蛋品系L7產蛋性能改進
5. 畜試土雞高產蛋品系近親係數分析
6. 畜試土雞近親品系L9之微衛星遺傳標記多樣性分析
7. 牛脊椎畸形複合症(CVM)遺傳缺陷之SSCP基因型檢測
8. 畜產試驗所高產蛋土雞品系CM之微衛星遺傳標記多樣性分析
9. 畜產試驗所高產蛋土雞品系CM產蛋性能分析
10. 畜試土雞高產蛋品系L7之微衛星遺傳標記多樣性分析
11. 純種豬檢定之同胎公豬生長性狀整齊度研究
12. 努比亞種羊黏多醣症與肉質相關基因之基因型分析
13. 種豬粒線體DNA D環區序列之分析
14. 畜產試驗所高產蛋土雞品系CM公雞之屠體性狀分析
15. 畜禽精子染色體缺損檢測技術
16. 臺灣杜洛克與杜洛克背最長肌脂肪酸組成之比較
17. 臺灣杜洛克公豬繁殖性能之評估
18. 臺灣杜洛克與其它品種屠體性能之比較
19. 畜試土雞高產蛋品系L11之微衛星遺傳標記多樣性分析
20. 畜試土雞高產蛋選育族群執行雛白痢清除計畫之評估
21. 畜試土雞高產蛋品系L11產蛋性能改進
22. 畜試土雞高產蛋品系L11公雞屠體性狀分析
23. 天噸乳牛之飼養地區及其雌親上四代乳量

陳佳萱(1) 顏念慈(1) 范文彬(2) 王文通(3) 吳明哲(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)豐華養豬場 (3)瑞鐘畜牧場

為評估臺灣杜洛克不同世代公豬繁殖性能,本試驗選定R2~R5代臺灣杜洛克公豬與藍瑞斯母豬(L﹔12頭取自畜產試驗所育種場、9頭取自民間肉豬場)、藍瑞斯與約克夏之雜交母豬(LY;6頭)、黑豬場之桃園豬(T﹔2頭)、桃園豬♀與梅山豬♂之雜交母豬(T×M﹔2頭)、桃園豬♀與大黑豬之雜交母豬(T×B;1頭),及梅山豬♀與大黑豬♂之雜交母豬(M×B;1頭)進行雜交試驗。試驗將母豬分成洋豬與黑豬,各別評估繁殖性能。結果顯示,臺灣杜洛克R2公豬與配L與LY母豬在育種場與肉豬場的出生窩仔數分別為11.33 ± 3.06與12.00 ± 1.73頭,出生活仔數10.00 ± 2.65與10.33 ± 0.58頭;R3代公豬與配L與LY母豬在育種場與肉豬場出生窩仔數分別9.0 ± 0.00與8.67 ± 1.53頭,出生活仔數9.00 ± 0.00與8.33 ± 1.53頭;R4與R5代公豬與配L與LY母豬僅收集肉豬場結果,出生窩仔數分別為11.33 ± 3.06與9.00 ± 4.24頭,出生活仔數11.33 ± 3.06與8.00 ± 5.66頭。R3與R4代公豬與配雜交黑母豬繁殖性能,出生窩仔數為7.00 ± 1.73與8.67 ± 4.04頭,出生活仔數為7.00 ± 1.73與8.33 ± 4.16頭。試驗結果顯示,臺灣杜洛克公豬以R2與R4代公豬表現較佳,因收集胎數較少,未來將持續收集資料評估公豬的繁殖性能。



C. H. Chen (1), N. T. Yen (1), W. P. Fan (2), W.T Wang (3) and M. C. Wu (1)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2) Fung Hua pig farm (3) Jui Chung pig farm

In order to evaluate the reproductive performance of the Taiwan Duroc boars at various generations, the Taiwan Duroc boars of generation R2 to R5 were mated with sows of Landrace (L) from swine breeding farm of Livestock Research Institute (LRI; n = 12) and pig farms (n = 6), Taoyuan black pig (T; n = 2), and sows of Landrace × Yorkshire (LY; n=6), Taoyuan♀× Meishan♂ (T × M; n = 2), Taoyuan ♀ × Large black pig ♂ (T × M; n = 1), and Meishan♀ × Large black pig♂ (M × B; n = 1), respectively. The sows were further divided into exotic and black pigs for evaluating the reproductive performance of the Taiwan Duroc boars. The results showed that litter size at birth and piglet born alive in the LRI breeding farm and pig farm were, respectively, 11.33 ± 3.06 and 12.00 ± 1.73, and 10.00 ± 2.65 and 10.33 ± 0.58 when mated the Taiwan Duroc boars of R2 with sows of L and LY. The litter size at birth and piglet born alive in the LRI breeding farm and pig farm were, respectively, 9.00 ± 0.00 and 8.67 ± 1.53, and 9.00 ± 0.00 and 8.33 ± 1.53 when mated the Taiwan Duroc boars of R3 with sows of L and LY. The litter size at birth and piglet born alive in pig farms were 11.33 ± 3.06 and 9.00 ± 4.24, and 11.33 ± 3.06 and 8.00 ± 5.66 when mated the Taiwan Duroc boars of R4 and R5 with sows of L and LY, respectively. Moreover, the litter size at birth and piglet born alive were 7.00 ± 1.73 and 8.67 ± 4.04, and 7.00 ± 1.73 and 8.33 ± 4.16 when mated the Taiwan Duroc boars of R3 and R4 with sows of black pig, respectively. From these results reveals the Taiwan Duroc boars of R2 and R4 had better reproductive performance than those of other generations. Continually to collect records is required for accurate evaluation of reproductive performance in the Taiwan Duroc boars.

Key Words: Taiwan Duroc, Reproductive Performance, Boar

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