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約克夏母豬合照(英文) (1797)
杜洛克公豬合照(英文) (1766)
中國畜牧2008年十二月號 (2520)
藍瑞斯採精照片 (1021)
約克夏完檢(英文) (1161)

1. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群母雞產蛋性能檢定
2. 乳牛完全混合日糧飼料配方線性規劃系統(LTMR)之研發
3. 種豬全胎檢定測重性狀生物機電模組之研發
4. 自活性污泥篩選具脂解活性之細菌
5. 畜試紅豬夏季公豬精子體能表現
6. 應用多源基因體學方法自乳牛瘤胃篩選脂解酵素基因
7. 候選小公牛遺傳缺陷基因型分析
8. 模擬選配結合進口乳牛冷凍精液挑選適配公牛之應用
9. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群近親係數分析
10. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群種蛋受精率與孵化率檢定
11. 臺灣努比亞山羊腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子與鈣蛋白?抑制蛋白基因DNA 序列多態性分析
12. 生長性能檢定合格種豬之體型評級與XY 染色體之骨架基因關係研究

陳志毅(1) 李國華(2) 陳宜鴻(2) 陳怡璇(2) 賈玉祥(2)
(1)行政院農委會畜產試驗 (2)行政院農委會畜產試驗所新竹分所
應用電腦網路系統提供酪農進行乳牛營養配方試算,有利於乳牛群日糧平衡之精準管理,是 酪農在牛群經營實務上重要的工具。新竹分所本著提昇產業生產技能,發展優質畜產生產資 訊服務系統的原則,擴增原有「台灣乳牛雲端資訊(TDC)服務網」(網址:www.tlrihc.gov.tw) 網頁功能內容,開發「乳牛完全混合日糧飼料配方線性規劃系統」(簡稱:LTMR 系統) (http://tmrsite.com.salal.arvixe.com/),系統內容包含「簡易版」、「教學」、「乳牛」、「原料」 及「配方」等 5 項模組,使用流程是酪農先依據牛群產能狀況,進入「乳牛」功能選項,將 牛隻性能設定適當分群作為配方計算之前置檔案,再以系統新增或自建原料等方式,建立屬 於自己的原料資料庫,系統的原料關聯檔案係依據 NRC 乳牛營養需要量建議設計,內置達 72 種成分欄位,可供選擇的常用原料種類則內建有 226 種。在營養配方計算上,本系統提 供 3 種配方試算(1)「常用配方」選項,收集 25 種台灣酪農最常使用之飼糧配方,提供初 學者進行套餐式選擇,作為乳牛場進行飼料配方調製之參考(2)「最小成本配方試算」功能 選項,採用線性規劃模式中之修正單純法(Revised simplex method)作為最小成本飼料配方 規劃求解,兼顧乳牛營養需求與最小成本利益考量之平衡,適合乳牛場經營之精準管理(3) 「原料營養成份試算」選項,以營養需求為考量原則,對於選定的原料分別進行用量的設定 後,由系統計算原料營養成分需求比例。
Online linear programming of total mixed ration (LTMR) for dairy cattle
J. Y. Chen(1), K. H. Lee(2), I. H. Chen(2), I. S, Chen(2) and Y. S. Jea(2)
(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture; (2)Hsin-Chu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture
It was beneficial to precision management of the total mixed ration for dairy cattle, if the dairy farmer using network system to calculate the feed formulation of dairy cow, it was also an important tool in management of the dairy cows. In order to promote the production technology in dairy industry and develop high quality information service system for animal products in the Hsin-Chu Branch, Livestock Research Institute.A system of the ‘Online linear programming of total mixed ration (LTMR) for dairy cattle’ was developed in the dairy cloud information service in Taiwan (TDC) (http://tmrsite.com.salal.arvixe.com/) of the Hsin-Chu Branch, Livestock Research Institute website. There were five module included ‘Easy version’,’ Teaching’, ’Dairy cow’, ’Row Material’ and ’Formula’ in the FTMR system. The process of apply was basic on the production performance of dairy cow to adapt grouping on the ’Dairy cow’ functional options, then a front file was formed prior to calculate feed formula, then we could establish a raw material file by system increased or creation voluntarily manner. The raw material relation file was designed that basic on ‘Nutrient Requirement Council’ suggestion, there were 72 ingredient field included and 226 raw species available choice. The methods of the feed formulation calculator were available in this system (1) ‘Common formula’ – there were 25 species usually used feed formula for farmer in Taiwan, it could be as reference at feed modulation. (2) ‘ Floor coast feed formulation calculator’ – The ‘Revised simplex method’ in the Linear program was used to plan solving, both nutrition demand of dairy cow and smallest coast benefit were balance considerable, that was suitable for precision management of cows for dairy farmer. (3) ‘Raw nutrition calculator’ – The nutrition demand was main considered in principle, we could set up variable raw apply quantity, then the nutrition demand ratio was calculated by computer.
Key Words: Calculator system, Dairy cow, Feed formula

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