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杜洛克母豬合照(英文) (2136)
拍賣順序 (1699)
約克夏公豬合照(中文) (1084)
約克夏側面照 (1040)
約克夏完檢(英文) (813)

1. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群母雞產蛋性能檢定
2. 乳牛完全混合日糧飼料配方線性規劃系統(LTMR)之研發
3. 種豬全胎檢定測重性狀生物機電模組之研發
4. 自活性污泥篩選具脂解活性之細菌
5. 畜試紅豬夏季公豬精子體能表現
6. 應用多源基因體學方法自乳牛瘤胃篩選脂解酵素基因
7. 候選小公牛遺傳缺陷基因型分析
8. 模擬選配結合進口乳牛冷凍精液挑選適配公牛之應用
9. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群近親係數分析
10. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群種蛋受精率與孵化率檢定
11. 臺灣努比亞山羊腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子與鈣蛋白?抑制蛋白基因DNA 序列多態性分析
12. 生長性能檢定合格種豬之體型評級與XY 染色體之骨架基因關係研究
臺灣努比亞山羊腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子與鈣蛋白?抑制蛋白基因DNA 序列多態性分析

顏念慈(1) 陳若菁(1) 陳芃諭(2) 馮堉慈(2) 陳水財(1) 林德育(1) 張秀鑾(2) 吳明哲(1)
(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系
本研究目的主要探討努比亞山羊腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子(pituitary specific transcription factor, POU1f1)與鈣蛋白?抑制蛋白基因(Calpastatin, CAST)DNA 序列多態性,試驗設計兩組引子 對可以增殖出 DNA 片段,再應用兩組適當引子進行定序。將試驗所得 POU1f1 之序列與 GenBank 編號 DQ826413 序列比對,結果發現 91 頭努比亞山羊之腦下垂體特異性轉錄因 子基因位置 10-446 之序列共有 8 個位置發生變異,在序列位置 18-19 有 CT 置換成 TC。 在位置 45-370 之間與比對序列有3 處位置不同,在位置 48、102 及 365 處核?酸分別有 T、 G 及 T/G 型、G、T 及 G/T 型及 C、T 及 C/T 型。在位置 437-439 之間序列有 6 型序列。 將試驗所得 CAST 之序列與 DQ414516 序列比對,結果發現 (1)174 頭努比亞山羊 CAST 基因位置 1-254 之序列共有 18 個位置發生變異,有 6 處同類置換,其中全部山羊 CAST 基因位置 157 有 G-A 同類置換。(2)在序列位置 60 後有 5'-GT 2 bp 的重複序列 0-6 個。 (3)在位置 63 有 T 與 G 及 T/G 型。綜合以上結果顯示努比亞山羊 POU1f1 與 CAST 基 因 DNA 序列分析可產生較多之多態性,可進一步應用於其經濟性能相關研究。
Sequence polymorphism of pituitary specific transcription factor and calpastatin genes in Taiwan Nubian goat
N. T. Yen(1), J. C. Chen(1), P. Y. Chen(2), Y.T. Feng(2), S. T. Chen(1), D. Y. Lin(1), H. L. Chang(2) and M. C. Wu(1)
(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
The aim of this study was to investigate the DNA sequence polymorphism of pituitary specific transcription factor (POU1f1) and Calpastatin (CAST) in Nubian goat. Two groups of primers were designed to amplify DNA fragments of Nubian goat and then applied two groups of appropriate primers to sequence. The sequence of POU1f1 was compared with the sequence of DQ826413 in GenBank. It was found that there were 8 site substitutions between positions 10-446 of the pituitary-specific transcription factor gene in 91 Nubian goats. And CT was replaced with TC at position 18-19. Three positions differed from the alignment sequence between positions 45-370. There were T, G, T/G; G, T, G/T and C, T, C/T nucleotide type at positions 48, 102 and 365, respectively. There were 6 sequence types at positions 437-439. The sequence of the CAST obtained was compared with the sequence of DQ414516, showed that (1) there were 18 site substitutions in the 254 bp fragment of CAST gene of 174 Nubian goats, six nucleotide variations were transition substitution, and position 157 of all goat CAST gene had G-A transition substitution. (2) There were 0-6 repeats of 5'-GT 2 bp after position 60. (3) At position 63, there were T, G and T / G nucleotide types. Based on the above results, it was found that the DNA sequence analysis of POU1f1 and CAST gene in Nubian goat could produce more polymorphism, which would be applied to Nubian goat economic performance related research.
Key Words: Calpastatin, Nubian goat, Pituitary specific transcription factor

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