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約克夏公豬合照(英文) (1079)
約克夏完檢(中文) (1062)
約克夏母豬合照(中文) (833)
第四十卷(2011) (6611)
杜洛克母豬合照(英文) (619)

1. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群母雞產蛋性能檢定
2. 乳牛完全混合日糧飼料配方線性規劃系統(LTMR)之研發
3. 種豬全胎檢定測重性狀生物機電模組之研發
4. 自活性污泥篩選具脂解活性之細菌
5. 畜試紅豬夏季公豬精子體能表現
6. 應用多源基因體學方法自乳牛瘤胃篩選脂解酵素基因
7. 候選小公牛遺傳缺陷基因型分析
8. 模擬選配結合進口乳牛冷凍精液挑選適配公牛之應用
9. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群近親係數分析
10. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群種蛋受精率與孵化率檢定
11. 臺灣努比亞山羊腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子與鈣蛋白?抑制蛋白基因DNA 序列多態性分析
12. 生長性能檢定合格種豬之體型評級與XY 染色體之骨架基因關係研究

廖仁寶 陳若菁 蕭庭訓 程梅萍 吳明哲
本研究目的為自畜產廢水處理設施中之活性污泥樣品,篩選能產生胞外脂解酵素的細菌,期 能應用於生物產業。以傳統菌株分離篩選方式,將活性污泥樣品溶於無菌水中,序列稀釋後 塗抹於選擇性培養基上,分別在 37°C 與 55°C 下過夜培養。在選擇性培養基上可發現一些 藍色菌落與其周圍有透明圈,此為能產生胞外脂解酵素之菌株,進一步將此等菌株純化培養 與冷凍保存。總共篩選出 9 株具脂解活性菌株,其中於 37°C 培養條件下篩得 5 株;在 55°C 培養條件下則篩得 4 株。進一步培養這 9 株菌,並萃取其 DNA 以進行分子鑑定。由 16S rRNA 基因序列分析得知,此 9 株菌中,5 株為 Bacillus licheniformis、2 株為 Bacillus pumilus、1 株為 Bacillus subtilis 及另 1 株為 Bacillus mojavenis。其中 B. mojavenis 為較特 殊的菌株,將列為進一步研究的對象。
Isolation of lipolytic enzyme producing bacteria from activated sludge
R. B. Liaw, J. C. Chen, T. H. Hsiao, M. P. Cheng and M. C. Wu
Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
The purpose of this study was to screen for lipolytic enzyme producing bacteria from activated sludge samples of livestock wastewater treatment facility, and these isolates were expected for application in bioindustry. By conventional isolating protocol, the activated sludge samples were diluted in series in sterile water and smeared on selective media. The media were grown at 37°C and 55°C, respectively, overnight. Some isolates showed lipolytic activities with clear zones around their colonies on the selective media, and these isolates were purified and preserved in a freezer. A total of nine isolates were obtained, 5 isolates cultured at 37°C and 4 isolates cultured at 55°C. Furthermore, the nine isolates were cultured for DNA extraction and molecular identification. Based on the analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences, 5 isolates were identified as Bacillus licheniformis, 2 isolates as Bacillus pumilus, others as Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus mojavenis, respectively. Because B. mojavenis was a special one among these isolates, it was the first target for future study.
Key Words: Activated sludge, Lipolytic activity, Selective medium

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