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藍瑞斯公豬合照(英文) (7827)
中國畜牧2006年八月號 (8308)
採精記錄 (1522)
杜洛克完檢(中文) (1455)
約克夏側面照 (1288)

1. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群母雞產蛋性能檢定
2. 乳牛完全混合日糧飼料配方線性規劃系統(LTMR)之研發
3. 種豬全胎檢定測重性狀生物機電模組之研發
4. 自活性污泥篩選具脂解活性之細菌
5. 畜試紅豬夏季公豬精子體能表現
6. 應用多源基因體學方法自乳牛瘤胃篩選脂解酵素基因
7. 候選小公牛遺傳缺陷基因型分析
8. 模擬選配結合進口乳牛冷凍精液挑選適配公牛之應用
9. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群近親係數分析
10. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群種蛋受精率與孵化率檢定
11. 臺灣努比亞山羊腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子與鈣蛋白?抑制蛋白基因DNA 序列多態性分析
12. 生長性能檢定合格種豬之體型評級與XY 染色體之骨架基因關係研究

陳志毅(1) 李國華(2) 蕭振文(2) 吳明哲(1) 張菊犁(2)
(1)行政院農委會畜產試驗所 (2)行政院農委會畜產試驗所新竹分所
應用台灣荷蘭乳牛模擬選配系統挑選適配公牛冷凍精液,作為乳牛性能遺傳改進或矯正配種, 是DHI 酪農戶的重要育種策略之一,從研究所獲得適配公牛群之遺傳性能資訊,可結合國內 乳牛冷凍精液資料庫得知是否曾經進口等相關訊息。以 DHI 乳牛統一編號「99060201」為 例,自台灣乳牛雲端資訊服務網(網址:www.tlri.gov.tw)的乳品質檢驗及近 10 個月乳量體 細胞變化等數位報表得知,該乳牛為第 4 胎次,其近 6 次測乳平均 305-2X-ME 乳量 (305MY)為 8362 ± 194 kg,體細胞分數(SCS)平均為 5.67 ± 0.94 分,屬於高產泌乳性能 卻有潛在性乳房炎之困擾情形,若應用模擬選配系統,挑選 SCS 前 20% 及 305MY 前 50% 選拔強度的公牛等級,經電腦資料庫運算後,約有 15,439 頭適配公牛可供選擇,若再考量 該乳牛體型中臀的角度(RA)性狀為低斜之因素,則曾進口之國家動物育種碼(NAAB)編號 「007HO08778」的公牛為可能適合的選擇,經連結公牛遺傳評估模組查詢,該公牛乳產量預 測傳遞能力(PTAM)為 352.9 kg,SCS 為 2.7 分,RA 之標準傳遞能力為 -1.7%,顯示選擇 該精液配種可對乳母牛後裔在 305MY 之同期場平均多增加 352.9 kg,SCS 下降 2.7 分,同 時矯正低斜臀角之同期平均約 1.7% 的預估遺傳改進量,透過模擬選配系統的應用,有利乳 牛場對不同牛隻性能表現採取相對應的育種措施。
Application of mating simulation system by linking the imported frozen semen database for selection of candidate dairy bulls
J. Y. Chen(1), K. H. Lee(2), J. W. Shiao(2), M. C. Wu(1) and C. L. Chan(2)
(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture (2)Hsin-Chu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture
It was important breeding strategy for dairy farmer by mating simulation system to choose adapted breeding bull and improve dairy production, these genetic information of the candidate dairy bulls from data editing would link the imported frozen semen database, then we could know more imported data. Took the DHI cow NO. of ‘99060201’ for instance, which was the fourth lactation and the latest six tested milk data, the mean of the 305-2X-ME milk yield (305MY) was 8362 ± 194 kg and the somatic cell count score was 5.67 ± 0.94, and the data source from 'Dairy cloud information service in Taiwan' web site (www.tlri.gov.tw). This dairy cow was likely some problem with high production milk yield with subclinical mastitis. If we used mating simulation system to choose 20% bull select intensity grade for the SCS and 50% for the MY, after the computer calculation, there were 15,439 bull were choose and we further assessed the cow with slope rump angle (RA), the ‘007HO08778’ bull of the NAAB code was considerable. We could find the 'Predicted Transmitting Abilities' for Milk yield (PTAM), the 'Predicted Transmitting Abilities' for SCS and the 'Standard Transmitting Abilities' for RA were 352.9 kg, 2.7 and -1.7% for this bull, respectively. That means we could predict the genetic improved volume were increase 352.9 kg, reduced 2.7 score for the SCS and then corrected 1.7% of the RA mean of same period for the offspring dairy cows, respectively. It was favorable for us to take corresponded breeding method for the different performance of dairy cattle by using the mating simulation system.
Key Words: Mating simulation, Frozen semen, Bull

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