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藍瑞斯母豬合照(中文) (1762)
約克夏完檢(中文) (1648)
約克夏公豬合照(英文) (1240)
約克夏採精照片 (888)
杜洛克採精照片 (674)

1. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群母雞產蛋性能檢定
2. 乳牛完全混合日糧飼料配方線性規劃系統(LTMR)之研發
3. 種豬全胎檢定測重性狀生物機電模組之研發
4. 自活性污泥篩選具脂解活性之細菌
5. 畜試紅豬夏季公豬精子體能表現
6. 應用多源基因體學方法自乳牛瘤胃篩選脂解酵素基因
7. 候選小公牛遺傳缺陷基因型分析
8. 模擬選配結合進口乳牛冷凍精液挑選適配公牛之應用
9. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群近親係數分析
10. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群種蛋受精率與孵化率檢定
11. 臺灣努比亞山羊腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子與鈣蛋白?抑制蛋白基因DNA 序列多態性分析
12. 生長性能檢定合格種豬之體型評級與XY 染色體之骨架基因關係研究

林德育(1) 曾淑貞(2) 賴永裕(1) 蔡秀容(1) 楊豐輝(3) 吳明哲(1)
(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)中華醫事科技大學 (3)豐輝牧場
豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群係該場為進行種原固定,於 2010 年從原有紅羽土雞族群中以每 個品系 1 公 40 母進行人工授精系譜繁殖來更新下一世代所建立之 4 個品系的閉鎖族群。 選育過程中 B 品系與 D 品系因外觀與性能表現不佳分別於 2012 年與 2013 年與予全數 淘汰。2014 年再從自家紅羽土雞族群中選留一批種雞建立 E 品系,同時引進 C 品系純系 放量族群 31 隻母雞進入選育族群中。為瞭解該族群經 9 個世代選育後之各世代雞隻之近親 係數,以 SAS 統計分析軟體來分析 2010 年至 2016 年的 13,690 筆雞隻系譜資料,其中 A 品系、C 品系及 E 品系分別有 4,453 筆、5,782 筆及 3,454 筆。A 個品系與 C 品系選育 族群雞隻於 G2、G3、G4、G5、G6、G7、G8、G9 世代之近親係數平均與標準差分別為 0.1367 ±0.0106 與 0.1391±0.0396、0.2229±0.0367 與 0.2213±0.0927、0.3096±0.0118 與 0.3121± 0.0220、0.3471±0.0474 與 0.3857±0.0154、0.4175±0.0123 與 0.4517±0.0515、0.4801±0.0106 與 0.5142±0.2482、0.5370±0.0113 與 0.1974±0.2482 及 0.5842±0.0171 與 0.2735±0.0243。E 品 系選育族群雞隻於 G2、G3 及 G4 世代之近親係數平均與標準差分別為 0.1250±0.0178、 0.1250±0 及0.2496±0.0235。目前選育族群 2,331 隻雞隻之近親係數為 0.3755±0.1536。以半 同胞配種進行種原固定,C 品系選育族群 G7 世代雞隻與 A 品系選育族群 G8 世代雞隻之 平均近親係數皆達 0.5 以上。
Inbreeding coefficients of red feather native chicken selction flork in Feng Hui breeding farm
D. Y. Lin(1), S. J. Tzeng(2), Y. Y. Lai(1), H. L. Tasi(1) , F. H. Yang(3) and M. C. Wu(1)
(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology (3)Feng Hui Breeding Farm
Feng Hui red feather native chicken selection flock was established from the original flock. One roaster mating 40 hens per line to breeding next generation by AI pedigree reproduction. There were four lines in the selection flock. The B line and D line were eliminated for appearance and performance consideration in 2012 and 2013, respectively. A new E line was established from the original flock and 31 hen from C line pure line expansion flock were added into C line selection flock in 2014. We analyzed 13,690 records pedigree data including 4,453 records of A line, 5,782 records of C line and 3,454 records of E line collected from 2010 to 2016 by SAS statistical software. It shows the inbreeding coefficients of G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8 and G9 generations in A line and C line were 0.1367±0.0106 and 0.1391±0.0396, 0.2229±0.0367 and 0.2213±0.0927, 0.3096±0.0118 and 0.3121±0.0220, 0.3471±0.0474 and 0.3857±0.0154, 0.4175±0.0123 and 0.4517± 0.0515, 0.4801±0.0106 and 0.5142±0.2482, 0.5370±0.0113 and 0.1974±0.2482, and 0.5842±0.0171 and 0.2735±0.0243, respectively. The inbreeding coefficients of G2, G3 and G4 generations in E line were 0.1250±0.0178, 0.1250±0 and 0.2496±0.0235. The inbreeding coefficient of current flock with 2,331 birds was 0.3755±0.1536. Results showed the inbreeding coefficients of G7 in C line and G8 in A line reached more than 0.5 in the selection flock.
Key Words: Inbreeding coefficient, Red feather native chicken, Selection

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