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畜牧半月刊2007年10月25日 (1846)
農牧旬刊2008年6月5日 (1869)
藍瑞斯完檢(英文) (1618)
杜洛克公豬合照(中文) (1222)
採精紀錄資料表 (1105)

1. 檢定站種公豬精子成熟度檢測及應用
2. 生長檢定豬與體型比賽豬之選種性狀差異分析
3. 臺灣豐和黑毛烏骨雞之微衛星遺傳標記多態性分析
4. 豐輝下營紅牌土雞之微衛星遺傳標記多態性分析
5. 民間種雞場家禽白血病J病毒的監測
6. 畜試紅公豬各世代生長性能
7. POU1f1基因型對努比亞山羊肉質性能表現之分析
8. 異地保種小型豬族群基因多樣性分析
9. 乳牛第11凝血因子缺失症基因型頻率分析
10. 活性污泥多源酯酶基因次選殖與表現分析

廖仁寶 陳若菁 陳佳萱 吳昇陽 許晉賓 陳立人 吳明哲

本研究目的在建立異地保種小型豬族群之遺傳背景資料。將19頭豬粒線體DNA部分D環區片段之PCR產物進行定序,可得長度為616 bp之DNA片段序列,序列進行比對後,發現所有序列皆相同,再將此序列以比對工具BLASTN與NCBI GenBank進行比對,結果最為相近的序列為先前上傳登錄至GenBank的蘭嶼豬粒線體DNA序列。以12種微衛星遺傳標記分析19頭蘭嶼豬DNA,基因多樣性參數平均交替基因數、觀測異質度、期望異質度及多態性訊息量數值分別為4.5、0.52、0.57及0.51,由多態性訊息量數值可得知族群的基因多樣性程度屬高度(> 0.5),但仍需採用計畫性配種制度方能維持族群之基因多樣性。此外,在12種標記的分析中,可發現標記SW2008僅有一種交替基因,未來可當作此族群後裔的驗證標記。


Genetic diversity of miniature pig population under ex situ conservation

R. B. Liaw, J. C. Chen, C. H. Chen, S. Y. Wu, C. B Hsu, L. R. Chen and M. C. Wu
Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The study was to establish the genetic background data of the ex-situ miniature pig population. The PCR products of the partial mtDNA D-loop from 19 pigs were sequenced to obtain a 616-bp fragment. After the DNA sequences were aligned, all the sequences were found to be identical. The closely related sequences found in the NCBI GenBank were those Lanyu pigs previously registered before by BLASTN analysis. The genetic parameters of average number of alleles, observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity and polymorphism information content of 19 pigs were analyzed by 12 microsatellite markers. The values of the genetic parameters were 4.5, 0.52, 0.57, and 0.51, respectively. The value of polymorphism information content showed that the genetic diversity of the population is high (> 0.5). However, it still needs to adopt the planned breeding system in order to maintain the genetic diversity of ex-situ groups. In addition, it was found that marker SW2008 had only one allele and could be used as a marker for the descent certification in the future.

Key Words: Ex-situ conservation, Miniature pig, Genetic diversity

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