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1. 35.種豬厭氧腸道菌培養體學分析之初探
2. 44.即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應檢測努比亞山羊黏多醣症之基因型分析
3. 45.即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應檢測土雞A-FABP基因Exon1點突變多態性之基因型分析
4. 46.即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應檢測土雞H-FABP 基因Intron2 點突變多態性之基因型分析
5. 84.畜試所藍殼烏骨雞之微衛星遺傳標記多態性分析
6. 85.畜試所藍殼烏骨雞選育族群之家禽白血病 J 病毒監測
7. 90.乳牛場IOT物聯網建置之研究
8. 100.種豬體型、腳蹄評鑑與承購價關連性探討
9. 107.畜產種原維護保存的現在與未來
曹全偉(1) 吳明哲(1) 陳怡璇(2) 葉亦馨(2) 陳國禎(3) 杜家瑞(4)
(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所 (3)和荃種牛場 (4)物聯智慧股份有限公司


Research on the establishment of Internet of Things in dairy farms
C. W. Tsao(1), M. C. Wu(1), Y. H. Chen(2), Y. H. Yeh(2), G. J. Chen(3) and C. J. Tu(4)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, COA, Executive Yuan. (2)Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, COA, Executive Yuan. (3)HeQuag Dairy Breeding Farm (4)ThroughTek Co., Ltd.
Daily milking, feeding and cleaning jobs in dairy farms require large amounts of water and electricity. If it is impossible to get the power consumption of the equipment and the water consumption of the livestock house, the farm management is not actually a fact. This research applies the Internet of Things architecture to a dairy farm, and installs digital water sensors and digital electric sensors with Wi-Fi function and over IP65 waterproof and dustproof level. These sensors regularly collect the waste water discharge with liter unit and the electricity consumption of the milking equipment with degree unit, and the gained data is transported via Wi-Fi network to a collection software, called Modbus. Modbus could convert the collected water and electricity consumption data into JSON exchange format, and then calls the application program interface through Http protocol, and writes data back to the data platform for dairy farms. This platform provides farm managers with access to water and electricity information through mobile devices or computers. After the data is digitized, the farm managers can grasp the daily electricity consumption information and quickly find the abnormal situation in electricity usage. In addition, the daily work of the employee to transcribe the waste water discharge amount is automatically recorded by the system, which can avoid the situation of forgetting or transcribing the wrong information.
Key Words: Dairy farm, Internet of Things, Sensors

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