吳明哲(1)、林秀蓮(1)、賴永裕(1)、吳建興(1)、張菊犁(1)、李素珍(1)、陳志毅(1)、施意敏(1)、黃英豪(1)、 陳榮泰(2)、丁進來(2)、岳佩瑩(3)、陳中興(3)
(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)中華民國乳業協會 (3)行政院農業委員會畜牧處
M. C. Wu(1), H. L. Lin(1), Y. Y. Lai(1), C. H. Wu(1), C. L. Chang(1), S. J. Lee(1), J. Y. Chen(1), E. M. Shy(1), I. H. Hwang(1), L. T. Chen(2), J. L. Ding(2), P. Y. Yue(3) and C. S. Chen(3)
(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan; (2)Dairy Association of ROC; (3)Animal Industry Division, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan Breeding scheme of dairy cattle, selection on milk yield and quality associated with reproductive performance is essential to the hot and humid weather, and therefore selected cows with reducing the age of first calving will become a heat-tolerance line in Taiwan. Data were used to study on reducing the age of first calving and their subsequent milk quality and daily milk yield from January of 2002 to September of 2012 based upon www.angrin.tlri.gov.tw. Cows calving in 2002, their age of first calving within 24, 27 or 30 months were 10%, 34% or 69% of 5,898 cows, respectively; as calving in 2011, there were 24%, 57% or 80% of 4,565 cows; and as calving in 2012, there were 26%, 61% or 83% of 3,921 cows. Daily milk yield, milk fat (F), protein (P), lactose, somatic cell counts, urea nitrogen, citric acid and P/F ratio from 187,698 milk samples had yearly mean of 24.16Kg, 3.70%, 3.25%, 4.81%, 290x103/mL, 10.9mg/dL, 191mg/dL, and 0.91, respectively, as comparison to the average of 220,193 milk samples in 2002 having 21.77Kg daily milk yield, 3.73% fat, 3.22% protein, 0.89 of P/F ratio, 4.78% lactose and 350x103/mL cell counts in 2002. It indicated that cows reducing the age of first calving did not had a significantly less fat% and protein% in milk along with a less somatic cell counts and a higher daily milk yield. In conclusion, selection on milk yield and quality trait in those of cows at first calving with 24 months old would be feasible under a breeding scheme for heat-tolerance and early mature dairy cattle in Taiwan.
Key Words: Dairy cattle, Selection, Milk quality
(1)農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)晶宇生技公司 (3)中華民國乳業協會 (4)農業委員會畜牧處
台灣耐熱型乳牛選拔標準以DHI泌乳牛群資料庫進行,並應用乳樣DNA進行BLAD、CITL、CVM、DUMPS等四種繁殖基因型檢測。本研究選用2012年4至9月的熱期18,641頭泌乳牛資料,其中有六月次測乳的4,900頭並採用六月次之305-2X-ME乳量平均大於7,500Kg牛隻,計有1,032頭泌乳牛有繁殖基因型資料。所有1,032頭牛之CITL均為TC有利繁殖基因型。DUMPS多為TD有利繁殖基因型,但有2頭是DP雜合型。而其他二種繁殖基因型(BLAD-CVM)分別為BL-CV (1頭)、BL-TV (23頭)、TL-CV (78頭)、TL-TV (928頭)等四類型,其乳量育種價平均分別為+332、+286、+344、+417 Kg;脂肪量育種價平均分別為+6.0、+14.7、+9.9、+14.9 Kg;脂肪率平均分別為3.395、3.883、3.773、3.779%;蛋白質率平均分別為3.504、3.337、3.279、3.280%;乳糖率平均分別為4.686、4.681、4.673、4.748%;體細胞數平均分別為6.1、40.8、33.2、35.3萬個/mL;體細胞數最少值分別為2.4、7.9、5.4、8.8萬個/mL。結果顯示4至9月熱期產乳牛如為TL-TV有利繁殖基因型之牛隻,具有高乳量與高乳質性能表現。
H. L. Lin(1), D. Y. Lin(1), M. C. Wu(1), C. L. Chang(1), S. J. Lee(1), J. Y. Chen(1), E. M. Shy(1), H. I. Huang(1), T. H. Tzeng(2), L. T. Chen(3), J. L. Ding(3) and C. S. Wang(4),
(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan; (2)DR. Chip Biotechnology, Inc.; (3)Dairy Association of ROC; (4)Animal Industry Division, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
Selection of heat-tolerance milking cow in Taiwan is based upon the database of DHI. Cow milk DNA was used to identify the genotype of four reproductive genes such as BLAD, CITL, CVM and DUMPS. There were 18,641 head of milking cows tested on the period of April to September of 2012. A total of 4,900 head having month milk sampling of six and with a mean of 305-2X-ME milk yield greater than 7,500Kg but only 1,032 head having genotypes of reproductive gene of BLAD, CITL, CVM and DUMPS. All of 1,032 cows had favorable genotype of CITL-TC and DUMPS-TD except 2 with DUMPS-DP. Cows with BLAD and CVM genotypes were classified into four groups as follows: BL-CV (n=1), BL-TV (n=23), TL-CV (n=78) and TL-TV (n=928). Four groups of BLAD-CVM genotypes had mean breeding value of 305-2X-ME milk yield with +332, +286, +344 and +417 Kg, respectively; mean breeding value of milk fat with +6.0, +14.7, +9.9 and +14.9 Kg; mean percentage of fat content with 3.395, 3.883, 3.773 and 3.779%; mean percentage of protein content with 3.504, 3.337, 3.279 and 3.280%; mean percentage of lactose content with 4.686, 4.681, 4.673 and 4.748%; mean cell count of somatic cells with 26.1, 40.8, 33.2 and 35.3 x10,000 cells/mL; the lowest number of somatic cell counts with 2.4, 7.9, 5.4 and 8.8 x10,000 cells/mL. Results indicated that cows having a favorable genotypes of TL-TV had production performance on higher milk yield and better milk quality during the hot period from April to September.
Key Words: Dairy cattle, Selection, Gene
吳明哲(1)、林德育(1)、林秀蓮(1)、廖仁寶(1)、陳美如(1)、賴永裕(1)、顏念慈(1)、蔡秀容(1)、 林鴻霖(2)、王受鎔(2)、林欽德(2)、葉昇炎(3)、陳中興(3)
(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)中央畜產會種豬檢定站 (3)行政院農業委員會畜牧處
M. C. Wu(1), D. Y. Lin(1) , H. L. Lin(1), R. B. Liao(1), M. L. Chen(1), Y. Y. Lai(1), N. T. Yen(1), H. L. Tsai(1), H. R. Lin(2), H. L. Wang(2), C. T. Lin(2), S. Y. Yip(3) and C. S. Chen(3)
(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan; (2)Pig Performance Test Station, National Animal Industry Foundation; (3)Animal Industry Division, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
Breeding scheme of Landrace(L), Yorkshire(Y) and Duroc(D) for production of three-way cross LYD hog with terminal sire breed of D is a practice of hybrid advantage. A total of 14 genetic markers on sexual chromosomal XY including of SWR17, SW1325, SW1411, SW2156, SW980, SW2470, SW1522, SW1426, SY11, SO117, SW1943, SN218, SW2059, SW2588 was used to conduct the measurements of pure line and gene sequence variation of pig purebreds. Piglets of 20 classes from 2010 January to 2012 May at Pig Performance Test Station were collected their DNA samples during growth performance test. Among of 14 genetic markers, the length of DNA fragment (bp) of SW1325 was designated as the genetic marker of each family line. There were 11 lines varied with 121~165bp in D breed (1,223 head) with a major of four lines on 121, 151, 155, 163bp; L breed (643 head) had 13 lines in 119~161bp of length with a major of five lines on 143, 151, 153, 155, 157bp; and Y breed (241 head) had 13 lines in 115~163bp of length with a major of four lines on 149, 153, 155, 161bp. When an individual having homo-genotypes on all of 14 markers is designated as a pure line animal, then there were 7.4%(91/1223), 3.1%(20/643), 10.4%(25/241) of pure lines in D, L, Y purebreds. Line crossing of D, L, Y purebreds were measured with percentage of hetero-genotypes and there were in average of 22.3%, 28.5%, 25.7%, along with the variation on gene sequence length of 1.37%(+27bp), 1.35%(+26bp), 1.05%(+20bp) in average. In this study, application of 14 genetic markers on sexual chromosomal XY to the line selection of pig purebreds is feasible and is possible to establish a GP and/or GGP breeding stock herd by genomic selection in pig purebreds.
Key Words: Gene, Selection, Line
廖仁寶 陳若菁 陳水財 林秀蓮 吳明哲
山羊黏多醣症為一種隱性遺傳疾病,主要發生於努比亞品種。本研究自民間種羊場收集199 頭血液 樣品,包括阿爾拜因159 頭、撒能38 頭及吐根堡2 頭。經黏多醣症基因篩檢後,發現僅有三頭阿 爾拜因山羊之基因型為雜合型。進一步追查其系譜後發現此三頭羊含有努比亞血統。同時,亦應用 18 組微衛星型遺傳標記評估75 頭阿爾拜因山羊之基因多樣性,結果顯示其交替基因數、觀測異質 度(Ho)、期望異質度(He)及多態性訊息量(PIC)範圍分別為3–11、0.160–0.933、0.151–0.816 及 0.144–0.788,而其平均值則分別為7.2、0.671、0.656 及0.616,可得知此群阿爾拜因山羊的基因多 樣性具高度多態性資訊。
R. B. Liaw, R. J. Chen, S. T. Chen, H. L. Lin and M. C. Wu
Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
Caprine mucopolysaccharidosis type IIID is a recessive inherited disorder which is mainly found in Nubian goats. One of the objectives of this study was to investigate the frequency of N-acetylglucosamine 6-sulfatase gene of goats from a private goat farm. A total of 199 goats including 159 Alpine goats, 38 Saan goats, and 2 Toggenburg goats were examined. The result indicated only 3 Alpine goats were detected as carrier genotype, and the three goats bear Nubian lineage by surveying their pedigrees. Furthermore, a total of 18 microsatellite markers were used to genotype 75 Alpine goat DNA for evaluating their genetic diversity. The results indicated that the values for allele number, observed heterozygosity (Ho), expected heterozygosity (He), and polymorphism information content (PIC) of the goats among all loci were in the range of 3–11, 0.160–0.933, 0.151–0.816, and 0.144–0.788, respectively. Moreover, the mean values for allele number, Ho, He, and PIC were 7.2, 0.671, 0.656, and 0.616, respectively. The result also indicated that the genetic diversity of the Alpine goats is high (PIC > 0.5).
Key Words: Goat, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Genetic diversity
林德育 劉曉龍 林義福 賴永裕 洪哲明 鄭裕信 吳明哲
D.Y. Lin, S.L. Liu, Y. F. Lin, Y.Y. Lai, C.M. Hung, Y.S. Cheng and M.C. Wu
Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture
In order to evaluate genetic variation of white silkie chicken selection flock in Livestock Research Institute-Council of Agriculture(LRI-COA), Executive Yuan. A set of 23 microsatellite markers recommended for chicken in FAO’s DADIS MoDAD programme were utilized. The study was carried out on 87 birds from breeding flock to generate genotype data. Except 3 microsatellite markers, MCW0098、MCW0183 and MCW0216, all of the other microsatellites were polymorphic with average allelic number 3.1, ranged from 1 to 7 per locus. There were 72 alleles detected in total. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0 to 0.819, and the average expected heterozygosity was 0.398. The observed heterozygosity of the population ranged from 0 to 0.828, and the average observed heterozygosity was 0.372. The estimated polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0347. In 23 markers, seven markers were highly informative with polymorphism information content (PIC ≥0. 50), eight markers were reasonably informative(0.5> PIC≥ 0.25) and the other eight markers were slightly informative (PIC < 0.25). These results could be provided basic molecular information for the research on the germplasm characteristics of white silkie chickens in LRI-COA.
Key Words: White silkie chicken, Genetic variation, Microsatellite marker
林德育 劉曉龍 林義福 林秀蓮 洪哲明 謝昭賢 吳明哲
為評估行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所黑色絲羽烏骨雞族群的遺傳變異,利用FAO (2004)建議使用的23組雞微衛星標記組分析90隻白色絲羽烏骨雞種雞個體DNA。此23微衛星標記所檢測的結果皆有多態型的基因型。共檢測到79個alleles,平均每個基因座具有3.4個對偶基因(2~7個alleles),其期望異質度介於0.125到0.746,平均為0.465;觀測異質度介於0.067到0.789,平均為0.448;多態性訊息含量平均為0.404。在本試驗選用的23組微衛星標記組中6組呈現高度多態性資訊 (PIC ≥ 0.5),13組呈現中度多態性資訊 (0.5 > PIC ≥ 0.25),4組呈現低度多態性資訊 (PIC < 0.25)。本試驗結果提供此黑色絲羽烏骨雞選育族群遺傳變異之基本分子資訊。
D.Y. Lin, S.L. Liu, Y. F. Lin, H.L. Lin, C.M. Hung, C.H. Hsieh and M.C. Wu
Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture
In order to evaluate genetic variation of black silkie chicken flock in Livestock Research Institute-Council of Agriculture (LRI-COA), Executive Yuan. A set of 23 microsatellite markers recommended for chicken in FAO’s DADIS MoDAD programme were utilized. The study was carried out on 90 birds from breeding flock to generate genotype data. All of the 23 microsatellites were polymorphic with average allelic number 3.4, ranged from 2 to 7 per locus. There were 79 alleles detected in total. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.125 to 0.746, and the average expected heterozygosity was 0.465. The observed heterozygosity of the population ranged from 0.067 to 0.789, and the average observed heterozygosity was 0.448. The estimated polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0404. In 23 markers, six markers were highly informative with polymorphism information content (PIC ≥ 0.50), 13 markers were reasonably informative (0.5 > PIC ≥ 0.25) and the other four markers were slightly informative (PIC < 0.25). These results could be provided basic molecular information for the research on the germplasm characteristics of black silkie chickens in LRI-COA.
Key Words: Black silkie chicken, Genetic variation, Microsatellite marker
Effects of glycerolized cryoprotectant on CHICKEN Semen Cryopreservation
H. L. Lin, D. Y. Lin, Y. Y. Lai and M. C. Wu
Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taiwan
Animal genetic resources could be conserved by increasing populations; moreover, to preserve reproductive cells is an efficient method as well. However, due to the specific egg characteristics, oocyte or embryo cryopreservation is not appropriate for birds, so semen cryopreservation is still the most practical way to date. Many factors could affect the results of semen cryopreservation, such as the different types of cryoprotectants, packaging and cooling rates. Several studies showed that the highest fertility rates by artificial insemination (AI) obtained either with semen frozen using glycerol/straws/slowly cooling or dimethyl acetamide (DMA)/pellet/rapidly cooling methods. Nevertheless, considering about cryobanking, which demands high level of biosecurity and accurate identification, the former method is still the best way to preserve avian semen. Hence, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of glycerolized cryoprotectants on chicken spermatozoa viability, acrosome integrity, mitochondria activity, calcium level and DNA status of chicken semen to assess the damage of sperm caused by the glycerol element.
Key Words: Glycerolized cryoprotectants, Native chicken, Acrosome integrity
行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 遺傳育種組1 台灣區種豬產業協會2
精子之細微結構如精子細胞膜、頭帽細胞膜、粒線體膜及染色體的完整性、細胞質內鈣離子濃度及氧化傷害均與受精力有密切的關連性。而流式細胞儀可觀測細胞細微結構及各類狀態之儀器,是未來可能成為檢測精子品質之利器。本研究目的乃藉由流式細胞儀針對台灣區種豬產業協會自2012年一月份至十月份之出場及未出場兩大類年輕種公豬精子之細微結構及組成分加以測定,並建立各項分析值之資料庫以作為未來評估選留產精品質或能力強的種公豬之應用。本試驗採集之新鮮種豬精液儲存於17℃溫度並攜帶回實驗室,分別予以稀釋成0.5×106 /ml濃度,加入所需染劑後於37℃培養數分鐘後上機分析。初步結果顯示在出場(n=273)與未出場(n=130)公豬部分其各項分析項目之初步結果以平均值±標準偏差表示,分別為精子膜完整性 (77±19%; 72±27%)、頭帽及精子膜完整性 (52±23%; 47±25%)、粒腺體不完整性 (33±19%; 37±25%)、細胞內游離鈣水平的檢測 (452±66; 474±101)、高鈣精子之比率 (85±10%; 81±15 %)、DNA染色質結構完整性 (96±3%; 94±9%)、精子細胞內自由基程度 (57±26%; 52±28%)。
T.Y. Kuo1, M. C. Chan1, S. Y. Lee1, K. C. Liu2, N.T. Yen1, Y. C. Chen1 and M.C. Wu1.
Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture1 Formosan Farmers Association for Swine Improvement2
The fertility of sperm is related to its structures such as the integrity of sperm membrane, acrosomal membrane, mitochondrial membrane, chromatin and the calcium reservation inside the cytoplasm. Flow cytometer can be used to determine cell structure and the composition of cytoplasm and could be a very useful equipment to determine the semen quality. The purpose of this study was to develop an evaluation system of sperm quality for establishing the database of selection standards for boars. For determination of sperm quality of the boars semen collected from Formosan Farmers Association in 2012, the semen of each boar was collected and stored at 17℃ and diluted to 0.5×106 /mL. After mixing with specific dyes, the semen was incubated at 37℃ for couple minutes before analyzing. The results showed that the sperm characteristics of boars for auction (n=273) and not auction (n=130), respectively, were as below (%): sperm membrane integrity (77±19%; 72±27%), intact acrosome (52±23%; 47±25%), depolarized mitochondria (33±19%; 37±25%), calcium mean level (452±66; 474±101), high calcium level sperm (85±10%; 81±15 %), intact chromatin structure (96±3%; 94±9%), oxidation degree (57±26%; 52±28%).
Key words: Breeding pigs, Sperm Quality, Flow Cytometer
陳佳萱(1) 顏念慈(1) 陳裕琪(1) 范文彬(2) 吳明哲(1)
(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)豐華養豬場
培育台灣杜洛克新品種的目標是將多產基因MM型帶入公豬,並取代美國杜洛克成為雜交肉豬之終端公豬。本試驗選定R2與R3代台灣杜洛克公豬與畜產試驗所育種場與民間肉豬場的藍瑞斯母豬進行雜交試驗,試驗收集17胎 (育種場12胎與民間場5胎),試驗母豬均包括初產與經產母豬。試驗結果:育種場與民間肉豬場分別為出生窩仔數9.33 ± 3.65與 11.20 ± 1.79頭;出生活仔數8.33 ± 2.67與9.40 ± 1.34頭;出生體重1.84 ± 0.53與1.98 ± 0.33公斤;21日齡體重8.36 ± 11.09公斤;70日齡體重30.61 ± 5.11公斤(肉豬場無進行21與70日齡秤重);乳頭數13.20 ± 1.24個,試驗結果顯示,台灣杜洛克公豬作為終端公豬在民間肉豬場的出生窩仔數、出生活仔數與出生體重比育種場有較優良表現。
Study on Reproductive Performance of Landrace Sows Mated with Taiwan Duroc Boars
C. H. Chen,(1) N. T. Yen, (1) Y. C. Chen (1), W. P. Fan(2) and M. C. Wu(1)
(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2) Fung Hua pig farm
The breeding objective for new Taiwan Duroc boars was to introduce MM genotype of the prolific gene into the boars, and to replace the American Duroc to become the terminal sire used in meat production. In this study, Taiwan Duroc boars of the R2 and R3 generation were mated with Landrace sows from breeding farm (Livestock Research Institute, LRI) and pig farm. Data on reproductive performance, including litter size at birth, piglet born alive, body weight (BW) at birth, BW at 21 days of age, BW at 70 days of ages, litter size at weaning, and teat number of 17 litters of sows were collected from LRI and pig farms. The results showed that litter size at birth, piglet born alive, and body weight (BW) at birth in breeding farm and pig farm were 9.33 ± 3.65 and 11.20 ± 1.79; 8.33 ± 2.67 and 9.40 ± 1.34; 1.84 ± 0.53 and 1.98 ± 0.33 kg, respectively, and BW at 21 days of age, BW at 70 days of ages, and teat number in breeding farm were 8.36 ± 11.09 kg, 30.61 ± 5.11 kg and 13.20 ± 1.24, respectively. These results revealed that the litter size at birth, piglet born alive, and body weight (BW) at birth of sows from pig farms mated with new Taiwan Duroc boars was better than those of breeding farm.
Key Words: Taiwan Duroc, Reproductive Performance, Sow
陳佳萱 顏念慈 吳明哲
為協助台灣黑豬場進行基因選種,本試驗應用緊迫與多產基因檢測技術對7家台灣黑豬場,5個品種(高畜黑豬、梅山豬、桃園豬、六堆黑豬及雜交黑豬),共171頭種豬進行基因檢測。試驗結果顯示,在緊迫基因Hal-1843中,CC型(正常型)頻率分別為1.000、1.000、1.000、0.966及0.928,CT型(雜合型)頻率則為0.000、0.000、0.000、0.034及0.072,TT型(緊迫型) 頻率則為0.000、0.000、0.000、0.000及0.000;其中T緊迫基因頻率分別為0.000、0.000、0.000、0.017與0.036。在多產基因ESR中,AA型(非多產型)頻率分別為0.000、0.000、0.211、0.069及0.478,AB型(雜合型)為0.000、0.000、0.578、0.276及0.218,BB型(多產型)為1.000、1.000、0.211、0.655及0.304;其中B多產基因頻率分別為1.000、1.000、0.500、0.793及0.413。由試驗結果得知,在六堆黑豬與雜交黑中仍存在少數緊迫基因,而桃園豬與雜交黑豬在多產基因選種上仍有很大的發展空間,未來將持續協助業者將不良基因剔除以利後續黑豬選種。
Investigation on the Frequencies of Halothane and Estrogen Receptor Genes of Breeding Pigs among Black Pig Farms in Taiwan
C. H. Chen, N. T. Yen, M. C. Wu
Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
In order to assist the gene selection of the Black pig farms in Taiwan, 171 breeding pigs, includes five breeds such as the KHAPS Black pigs, Meishan pigs, Taoyuan pigs, Liou-Duai Black pigs, and hybrid Black pigs, were used for preliminary investigating the gene frequency distribution of halothane (Hal-1843) and estrogen receptor (ESR) genes. The results showed that the CC, CT and TT (stress-sensitive type) genotype frequencies of Hal-1843 gene, were 1.000, 0.000 and 0.000 in KHAPS Black pigs; 1.000, 0.000 and 0.000 in Meishan pigs; 1.000, 0.000 and 0.000 in Taoyuan pigs; 0.966, 0.034 and 0.000 in Liou-Duai Black pigs; and 0.928, 0.072 and 0.000 in hybrid Black pigs, respectively. And the T allele frequency of Hal-1843 gene for KHAPS Black pigs, Meishan pigs, Taoyuan pig, Liou-Duai Black pig and hybrid Black pigs was 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.017 and 0.036, respectively. In addition, the AA (non-prolific type), AB and BB (prolific type) genotype frequencies of ESR gene were, 0.000, 0.000 and 1.000 in KHAPS Black pigs; 0.000, 0.000 and 1.000 in Meishan pigs; 0.211, 0.578 and 0.211 in Taoyuan pigs; 0.069, 0.276 and 0.655 in Liou-Duai Black pigs; and 0.478, 0.218 and 0.304 in hybrid Black pigs, respectively. And the B allele frequency of ESR gene for KHAPS Black pigs, Meishan pigs, Taoyuan pigs, Liou-Duai Black pigs, and hybrid Black pigs was 1.000, 1.000, 0.500, 0.793 and 0.413, respectively. These results demonstrated that there still have stress-sensitive gene existed with low percentage in Liou-Duai and hybrid Black pigs, and there is massive potential for ESR gene selection in Taoyuan pigs and hybrid Black pigs. We will continually to help the Black pig industry to remove these unfavorable genes in the future.
Key Words: Black Pigs, Halothane Gene, ESR Gene
陳佳萱 顏念慈 萬添春 陳文賢 吳明哲
培育台灣杜洛克新品種是為了提升杜洛克豬隻繁殖性能,選用經基因選種之高畜黑公豬與配杜洛克母豬,經過雜交與級進四代選育,目前已達初步選種目標。本試驗目的是評估選育過程是否影響台灣杜洛克豬與其雜交肉豬的屠體性狀。本試驗共屠宰台灣杜洛克豬 (R) 19頭(閹公豬10頭與女豬9頭)與其雜交肉豬 LR (L♀×R♂) 25頭 (閹公豬16頭與女豬9頭),試驗結果不分性別LR與R豬隻分別為屠體重102.19 ± 3.56與97.08 ± 3.81公斤;屠宰率87.44 ± 2.25與87.00 ± 3.66 %;瘦肉率53.48 ± 1.90與53.38 ± 2.26 %;脂肪率10.20 ± 1.96與9.45 ± 1.74 %;骨骼率15.16 ± 1.45與15.47 ± 0.97 %;背脂厚度2.18 ± 0.34與1.94 ± 0.33公分;腹脂厚度2.45 ± 0.29與2.44 ± 0.39公分;腰眼面積51.82 ± 6.74與48.45 ± 5.17平方公分;屠體長105.42 ± 2.59與101.82 ± 2.30公分;肋骨數15.38 ± 0.48與15.37 ± 0.50對。試驗結果與畜產試驗所過去研究比較,LR與R豬隻在背脂厚度、腰眼面積與屠體長等屠體性狀均不比盤克夏、藍瑞斯、約克夏、杜洛克與高畜黑豬差;另外屠宰率、瘦肉率與脂肪率有比高畜黑豬較佳的趨勢。
Evaluation on the Carcass Traits of Taiwan Duroc and Its Hybrid Hogs
C. H. Chen, N. T. Yen, T. C. Wan, W. S. Chen and M. C. Wu
Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
The breeding goal of new Taiwan Duroc boars was to enhance the reproductive performance of Duroc. The Duroc sows have mated with KHAPS Black Pig boars selected by gene selection, and the preliminary goals of breeding and selection for Taiwan Duroc boars have reached after upgrading breeding programs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the carcass traits of Taiwan Duroc and its hybrids were effected by upgrading breeding process. Data on carcass traits, including carcass weight (kg), dressing percentage (%), lean percentage (%), fat percentage (%), bone percentage (%), backfat thickness (cm), abdominal fat thickness (cm), loin eye area (cm2), carcass length (cm), and pairs of ribs in 19 of Taiwan Duroc (R; 10 barrows and 9 gilts) and 25 of its hybrids LR (L ♀ × R ♂; 16 barrows and 9 gilts), were collected. Regardless of gender, the results showed that carcass weight (kg), dressing percentage (%), lean percentage (%), fat percentage (%), bone percentage (%), backfat thickness (cm), abdominal fat thickness (cm), loin eye area (cm2), carcass length (cm), and pairs of ribs in LR and R pigs were 102.19 ± 3.56 and 97.08 ± 3.81; 87.44 ± 2.25 and 87.00 ± 3.66; 53.48 ± 1.90 and 53.38 ± 2.26; 10.20 ± 1.96 and 9.45 ± 1.74; 15.16 ± 1.45 and 15.47 ± 0.97; 2.18 ± 0.34 and 1.94 ± 0.33; 2.45 ± 0.29 and 2.44 ± 0.39; 51.82 ± 6.74 and 48.45 ± 5.17; 105.42 ± 2.59 and 101.82 ± 2.30; 15.38 ± 0.48 and 15.37 ± 0.50, respectively. Here, these results were compared with the results presented from Livestock Research Institute before, the backfat thickness, loin eye area and carcass length in LR and R pigs were similar to those of Berkshire, Landrace, Yorkshire, Duroc and KHAPS Black Pig. In addition, the dressing, lean and fat percentage in LR and R pigs were better than those of KHAPS Black Pigs.
Key Words: Taiwan Duroc, Carcass Traits, evaluation
顏念慈 賴永裕 陳佳萱 吳明哲
畜產試驗所育種場前身為核心豬場南站,在 2002年之後其場內有純種豬藍瑞斯(L)、約克夏(Y)、杜洛克(D)及盤克夏(B)四個品種。本研究應用從2002年至2011年底分娩之 449胎L (35父畜與133母畜)、89胎Y (5父畜與23母畜)、135胎D (10父畜與39母畜)及155胎B (10父畜與 49母畜),進行純種豬繁殖性能之分析,分析性狀包括出生窩仔數、出生活仔數、出生體重及21日齡體重。各品種之間,就出生窩仔數與出生活仔數兩性狀而言,L最高,且顯著高於Y (P < 0.05);Y次之,顯著高於B與D (P < 0.05),B與D之間差異不顯著。在出生體重性狀方面,不分性別,仍以L最高,且顯著高於D (P < 0.05);D次之,顯著高於B與Y (P < 0.05),B與Y之間差異不顯著。公仔豬的21日齡體重大小依序為L、Y、D及B,而母仔豬的21日齡體重大小依序為L、D、Y及B,且相同性別下,各品種間皆有顯著差異。綜合上述結果顯示畜產試驗所育種場 L母豬有較優良的繁殖性能。
N. T. Yen, Y. Y. Lai, C. H. Chen and M. C. Wu Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
Breeding Farm of Livestock Research Institute is the predecessor of the South Division of National Swine Nucleus Herd. There were four purebreds, i.e., Landrace (L), Yorkshire (Y), Duroc (D) and Berkshire (B) since 2002 in the Breeding Farm. The reproductive records including litter size at birth, number born alive, and body weights at birth and at 21 days from 449 litters of Landrace (from 35 sires and 133 sows), 81 litters of Yorkshire (5 sires and 23 sows), 127 litters of Duroc (10 sires and 39 sows) and 155 litters of Yorkshire (10 sires and 49 sows) purebred sows during 2002 to 2011 in the Breeding Farm were analyzed in this study. Among the breeds, for the litter size at birth and number born alive, L was significantly higher than Y (P < 0.05), and Y was significantly higher than D (P < 0.05). There was no difference between B and D. For the body weight at birth, regardless of gender, L again was significantly higher than D (P < 0.05), and D was significantly higher than B (P < 0.05). There was no difference between B and Y. The body weight at 21 days from heavier to lighter for male piglets was L, Y, D and B, while the order for the female piglets was L, D, Y and B. There were significantly differences among breeds under the same gender. The results showed that L sow in the Breeding Farm had the best reproductive performance.
Key Words: Nucleus herd, Purebred pigs, Reproductive performance |