參、主持人:吳明哲組長 紀錄:顏念慈研究員
一、台灣建構的種猪產業價值鏈與國際接軌,作為東南亞國家養猪產業種猪更新的來源國。台灣網路養猪價值鏈(Taiwan Pigbase)已靠種猪品質提升及高肉質品牌創新(High quality pork),於2013 年起再度外銷種猪到越南與香港。台灣品種優勢性能改進,有賴於耐熱型品質精進技術研發與能因應氣候變遷及糧食危機的品種更新科技研發,進而應用到種猪場,達到「品種更新、品質精進、品牌創新」之旗艦產業目標。台灣養豬業之品質及創新加值工作著重於(一)精子染色體斷裂檢測、(二)種猪腳蹄評鑑、(三)肉質基因、(四)育種體系願景、(五)實驗用猪種、以及(六)生物安全網等項目。
二、韓國國家種畜改進局(National Agency for Breeding Stock Improvement, NABI)局長 Suh Ok-suk博士、韓國養豬協會(Korea Pork Producers Association, KPPA)資深秘書長Jeong Seonhyun先生、以及負責韓國種豬育種計畫(Golden Seed Project)的順天國立大學教授Seo Kang-seok博士等產官學10位團員組團來台,參訪台灣養豬科技應用於種豬拍賣會(1/11 種豬體型比賽會)。
三、韓國種豬育種計畫(Golden Seed project 2013~2021)將協助韓國核心種豬場業者(總計700頭Duroc種母豬與2,000頭(L+Y)種母豬),以及受到韓國政府重點扶植外銷種豬及精液到三個國家以上。並出口韓國本土黑豬種每年300頭種豬以上。韓國種豬育種2021年達成目標(2021 Goal of Pigs)有三:
(一)新品種命名登記一種(Registration of one variety)
(二)種豬外銷值有20億韓元($2 billion in breeding pig exports)
(三)豬精液外銷值有1億韓元($100 million in semen exports)
(一)評估公系與母系種豬之經濟性狀及其改良(2021年)(Evaluate economic traits of breeding pigs of paternal and maternal lines and improve abilities) (2021)
(二)改良冷凍精液品質及達80%受胎率(2021年)(Improve the quality of frozen semen and the conception rate of 80%) (2021)
(三)修正與發展韓國種豬評估準則之基盤(2017~2019年)(Revise and develop the basic frame of Korea Breeding Pig Evaluation Standards) (2017~2019)
(四)發展種豬產業化計畫及訓練人才(2020~2021年)(Develop a commercialization program for breeding pigs and provide training) (2020~2021)
(五)發展與推動韓國式種豬場之生物安全網(Develop and disseminate a Korean-style breeding farm bio-security model)
(六)發展種豬外銷守則與種豬場永續經營外銷藍圖(Develop a breeding pig export manual and sustainable export plans for participating farms)
韓國種豬育種體系及其分工項目(P1, P2, P3, P4):
Breeding Stock Development Division, Korea Golden Seed Project
https://www.gsp.re.kr/rest/eng_center_intro https://www.gsp.re.kr/rest/eng_pjt_info_livestock2021 Goal of Pigs : registration of one variety/ $2 billion in breeding pig exports/ $100 million in semen exports 1.Evaluate economic traits of breeding pigs of paternal and maternal lines and improve abilities (′21)
2.Improve the quality of frozen semen and the conception rate : (′21) 80%
3.Revise and develop the basic frame of Korea Breeding Pig Evaluation Standards (′17~′19)
4.Develop a commercialization program for breeding pigs and provide training (′20~′21)
5.Develop and disseminate a Korean-style breeding farm bio-security model
6.Develop a breeding pig export manual and sustainable export plans for participating farms
Item | Main project | Plans |
Pig | Development of Duroc paternal line breeding pigs | ○ Promote import substitution and lay a foundation for exports through development of superior paternal line breeding pigs - Increase the import substitution rate of paternal line pigs among GSP-participating pig breeding farms : (2012) 40% → (2021) 100% - Exports of Korean native breeding pigs (cumulative total) : (2017) 30 heads → (2021) 300 heads |
Development of maternal line breeding pigs | ○ Organize pig herds for developing maternal line breeding pigs - More than 2000 heads of maternal line pigs (Yorkshire : 1,700 heads/ Landrace : 300 heads) |
GSP Establishment of a export supporting system of GSP-developed breeding pigs | ○ Analyze target markets for GSP breeding pig exports and pioneer new markets - Select export markets (more than 3 countries), GSP breeding pig exports (KRW 2 billion), and semen exports (KRW 100 million) |
GSP Development of an integrated system for improving GSP breeding pigs and selecting technologies | ○ Develop an integrated pig breeding system to develop breeding pigs for import substitution and exports - Develop an electronic management system to record breeding on site - Establish and run a certification committee for GSP-certified breeding pigs - Develop a standard of excellence for breeding pigs, a commercialization program, and a manual for breeding pig selection - Apply genetic markers to GSP-participating pig breeding farms - Establish D/B of genetic resources of breeding pigs |
Item | Main project | Plan |
Common ground | Solve difficulties that incumbent livestock exporters encountered in field | - Analyze difficulties that poultry and pork producers and exporters are facing in field - Analyze technical challenges in exporting poultry and pork meat and establish an information system for exports - Analyze factors associated with quality degradation, hindering exports of poultry and port meat - Establish an integrated marketing strategy to maximize poultry and pork meat exports |
Role of Division Head | Explore breeding resources (pigs and chickens) to increase competitiveness of GSP breeding stock | - Analyze the current status of a state-run poultry/pork genetic resources management system - Analyze the current status of government control of privately owned poultry/pork genetic resources - Strategies for securing industrial property rights for developed breeding stock at home and abroad - Analyze breeding stock development and commercialization strategies in each country - Analyze breeding stock-related systems in each country and establish countermeasures - Establish measures to utilize pig/chicken genetic resources distributed in Korea and other countries for developing native breeds - Plan to make use of DNA data for developing Korean native breeding chickens and pigs - System/technical countermeasures to secure exclusive rights for developed breeding stock at home and abroad |
제348차 검정돈성적 2014-12-18 (韓國種豬檢定第1站1982年開檢, 已有348月次)
경매번호 | 품종 | 성별 | 개체번호 頭 | 검정기간 | 일 당 | 사 료 | 등지방 | 90Kg | 실용 | 개정 |
(일) | 증체량 | 요구율 | 두 께 | 도달일령 | 선발 | 선발 |
檢測天數 | (g)ADG | (35~90)FE | BF | (일)達90公斤日齡 | 지수絕對指數 | 지수矯正指數 |
평균 品種 | DD | 수公 | 29 | 57 | 1,055 | 2.30 | 1.27 | 138 | 251 | 116.9 |
계計 | 29 | 57 | 1,055 | 2.30 | 1.27 | 138 | 251 | 116.9 |
LL | 수公 | 8 | 57 | 1,034 | 2.29 | 1.27 | 133 | 250 | 146.1 |
암母 | 31 | 59 | 987 | 2.38 |
1.34 | 138 | 240 | 115.7 |
계 | 39 | 58 | 997 | 2.36 | 1.32 | 137 | 242 | 121.9 |
YY | 수公 | 8 | 57 | 1,028 | 2.31 | 1.25 | 135 | 249 | 203.0 |
암母 | 36 | 60 | 982 | 2.38 | 1.34 | 139 | 240 | 177.3 |
계 | 44 | 59 | 991 | 2.37 | 1.33 | 138 | 242 | 182.0 |
합계 總計 | 계 | 수公 | 45 | 57 | 1,046 | 2.30 | 1.27 | 136 | 250 | |
암母 | 67 | 59 | 984 | 2.38 | 1.34 | 138 | 240 | |
계 | 112 | 58 | 1,009 | 2.35 | 1.31 | 138 | 244 | |
제287차 검정돈성적 2014-12-10 (韓國種豬檢定第2站1988年開檢, 已有287月次)
경매번호 | 품종 | 성별 | 개체번호 | 검정기간 | 일 당 | 사 료 | 등지방 | 90Kg | 실용 | 개정 |
(일) | 증체량 | 요구율 | 두 께 | 도달일령 | 선발 | 선발 |
| (g) | (35~90) | | (일) | 지수 | 지수 |
| 품종 | 성별 | 두수 | 검정기간 | 일당증체량 | 사료요구율 | 등지방두께 | 90kg도달일령 | 실용선발 | 개정선발 |
평균 | DD | 수公 | 38 | 58 | 985 | 2.28 | 1.15 | 144 | 242 | 122.9 |
| 계 | | 38 | 58 | 985 | 2.28 | 1.15 | 144 | 242 | 122.9 |
평균 | LL | 수公 | 7 | 61 | 928 | 2.27 | 1.01 | 138 | 233 |
165.5 |
평균 | LL | 암母 | 22 | 60 | 959 | 2.32 | 1.10 | 144 | 232 | 133.3 |
| 계 | | 29 | 60 | 952 | 2.31 | 1.08 | 143 | 232 | 141.1 |
평균 | YY | 수 | 13 | 64 | 896 | 2.31 | 1.08 | 129 | 230 | 224.2 |
평균 | YY | 암 | 58 | 62 | 925 | 2.35 | 1.13 | 144 | 229 | 186.7 |
| 계 | | 71 | 62 | 920 | 2.34 | 1.12 | 141 | 229 | 193.6 |
평균 | BB | 암 | 2 | 76 | 736 | 2.68 | 1.16 | 149 | 200 | 4.1 |
| 계 | | 2 | 76
| 736 | 2.68 | 1.16 | 149 | 200 | 4.1 |
합계 | 계 | 수 | 58 | 60 | 958 | 2.29 | 1.12 | 140 | 238 | |
합계 | 계 | 암 | 82 | 62 | 930 | 2.35 | 1.13 | 144 | 229 | |
합 계 | | 140 | 61 | 941 | 2.32 | 1.12 | 142 | 233 | |