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約克夏母豬合照(中文) (1713)
現代養豬2007年1月號 (2167)
杜洛克公豬合照(英文) (1209)
約克夏公豬合照(中文) (1046)
畜牧半月刊2012年3月15日 (776)

0 獨樹一角(1979) 0 Foreword 0 目錄 Contents


It is a rare opportunity to be able to vividly capture details of nature, specifically human and human interaction with the biological surroundings and keep the pristine accuracy and completeness of images though the passage of time.

And indeed it is a special gift to be endowed with inherent talent to superbly select the subject and capture such in a fraction of a second and produce image with life in itself, and to keep stay alive for generations. The author, Mr. HSIEH CHYI-JEONG has that extra ordinary ability to give life to his subject and tell thousands of stories through his photography. The images presented in this book more than relate human with the buffalo and cattle, two animals that have important contributions to the lives of millions of Asian rural families in varying degrees in the past, at present and at future times.

This book “Buffalo and Cattle” is a reproduction of the original book “Cattle and Buffalo” published in 2009 by Mr. HSIEH.

I am grateful to Mr. HSIEH CHYI-JEONG for his generous gesture of allowing the reproduction of this book and the joy of having the messages contained in the magnificent images be shared with people who value the buffaloes and those who may have to understand the past.

I am equally grateful and thankful to my very good friend, Dr. Ming Che Wu, scientist par excellence at the Taiwan Livestock Research Institute who introduced me to the book during an international buffalo conference in LRI, Tainan, Taiwan in December 2009 and for having introduced me personally to the author of the book. Dr. Wu himself values the buffalo beyond Science. In many respects, buffalo has been an important medium for having established linkages among people and institutions internationally. I also express my sincere appreciation to the wonderful people at LRI and the great people of Taiwan.

Philippine Carabao Center
0 獨樹一角(1979) 0 Foreword 0 目錄 Contents
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