賴永裕 陳美如 林德育 廖仁寶 吳明哲
行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 台灣杜洛克種豬是以詳細的血統登錄及嚴格的外觀體型審查為基礎,雖依生長性能、產肉及屠體性能,分別選育出生長、精肉等不同特性品系,在長且寬體型要求下,組合新的生長精肉杜洛克種豬已有成果,但產仔數增加的目標仍要追求。追蹤2006年分娩的1907胎產仔資料,平均活仔數9.78(SD=2.28),相較1996年的5251胎,平均活仔數8.57(SD=2.61),顯示杜洛克種母豬繁殖力已受重視。本研究應用第一號染色體微衛星遺傳標記交替基因序列SW1514、S0316與SW1301分析高產杜洛克種豬,從2006與2008年種豬7646胎分娩登錄資料篩選出3年內同一母豬生產兩胎,每胎活仔豬數達13頭以上之種母豬有45頭,採得25頭樣品,分布在5家種豬場。其基因頻率為 SW1514 with B3 allele 40%、S0316 with B6 allele 60% 與SW1301 with B2 allele 0%,與廖仁寶(2006)等統計分析交替基因SW1514 with B3 allele (P<0.001)、S0316 without B6 allele (P<0.01)與SW1301 with B2 allele(P<0.01)對杜洛克母豬總產仔數呈較佳之正效應結果比較,於SW1514 with B3 allele一項有對應顯現。 關鍵語:豬、微衞星標記、交替基因 Analysis of Microsatellite Markers for Prolific Duroc Y.Y. Lai, M.R. Chen, D.Y. Lin, R.B.Liaw and M.C. Wu
Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture Taiwan Duroc is famous on its reliable registration system and rigid type evaluation procedures. There are several lines selected for different goals, such as fast growth rate, high meat production or good carcass quality, for breeding farms. Although long and open body type can be achieved successfully by line cross mating, litter size is expected to further enhance. Analysis of 1907 records of litter size data, from 2006 to 2009, the average of born alive was 9.78(SD=2.28) which was better than 8.57(SD=2.61) of 5251 litters’ of the old data set(1996). Results showed that reproduction performance has been paying attention by breeders continuously. In this study, Microsatellite alleles, SW1514, S0316 and SW1301 of chromosome one was studied for Durocs. There were total 7646 litters from sows having at least two litters in three years, from 2006 to 2008. Twenty five samples were collected from 45 prolific sows which had at least 13 piglets per litter. SW1514 with B3 allele 40 % ,S0316 with B6 allele 60% and SW1301 with B2 allele 0% . Compared with Liaw et al.( 2006), which showed SW1514 with B3 allele (P < 0.001), S0316 without B6 allele (P < 0.01) and SW1301 with B2 allele (P < 0.01) genotypes were positively associated with litter size of Duroc, the result of SW1514 with B3 allele consisted with litter size of Duroc. Key Words:Pig, Microsatellite marker, Allele