評估畜試紅公豬與配不同品種黑母豬之雜交後裔屠體性狀 陳佳萱(1) 鄭育松(2) 顏念慈(1) 陳文賢(1) 王治華(1) 吳明哲(1)
(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)漢寶增豐畜牧場 本試驗與民間畜牧場進行產學合作,觀察畜試紅公豬(R)與配純種高畜黑母豬(K)及雜交黑母 豬(B)之雜交後裔(KR 與 BR)屠體性狀,評估帶有最佳組合的雜交後裔。試驗屠宰24 頭 KR (閹公豬 13 頭與女豬 11 頭)與 24 頭 BR(閹公豬 13 頭與女豬 11 頭),試驗將公母的屠體性 狀分開計算,BR 閹公豬與女豬在屠體長(t103.31± 3.04 vs. 99.62 ± 2.75 公分;♀104.82 ± 2.27 vs. 100.82 ± 3.06 公分)、肉色評分(1~6 分制,t5.62 ± 0.51 vs. 5.08 ± 0.64;♀5.36 ± 0.50 vs. 4.64 ± 0.50)、 肌間脂肪評分(1~6 與 10,7 級分制,t8.77±1.92 vs. 6.15 ± 1.86;♀7.73 ± 2.16 vs. 5.18 ± 0.98) 與小里肌(t0.59 ± 0.07 vs. 0.51 ± 0.07 公斤;♀0.58 ± 0.06 vs. 0.51 ± 0.06 公斤)皆顯著優於 KR(P < 0.05);另閹公豬屠宰率(87.98 ± 0.54% vs. 87.47 ± 0.68%)也是 BR 優於 KR(P < 0.05);但 KR 女 豬骨路率較 BR 品種低(16.16 ± 1.15% vs. 18.33 ± 0.94%;P < 0.05),其餘屠體性狀如上市日齡、 活體重、屠體重、平均背脂厚度、平均腹脂厚度、腰民面積、平均肋骨數、瘦肉率、脂肪率,在 KR 與 BR 皆無顯著差異(P > 0.05)。民間畜牧場將純種黑母豬自行選拔,品種雜交改進之後作為母 象豬,再與畜試紅公豬雜交,確實可改進屠體性狀,增加屠體長度與肌肉肉澤。 關鍵語:黑豬、屠體性狀、畜試紅豬 EVALUATION ON CARCASS TRAITS OF THE CROSSBRED OFFSPRING PRODUCED BY MATING BOARS OF LRI DUROC WITH VARIOUS BLACK SOWS C. H. Chen(1), Y. S. Cheng(2), N. T. Yen(1), W. S. Chen(1), C. H. Wang(1) and M. C. Wu(1)
(1) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2) Han Pao Tseng Feng Pig Farm This study was carried out under industry-academic cooperation, and its purpose was to evaluate which crossbred offspring (KR or BR) with the best combination in carcass traits following mating boars of LRI Duroc (R) with sows of KHAPS black pig (K) or hybrid black pig (B). Here, total of 48 offspring were sacrificed to collect carcass traits in KR (13 barrows and 11 gilts) and BR (13 barrows and 11 gilts). The carcass traits of barrows and gilts were calculated separately in both hybrids. The carcass length, muscle color score, marbling score and pork tenderloin either in barrows or gilts of BR were better than those of KR (P < 0.05). In that, the carcass length, muscle color score, marbling score and pork tenderloin were, respectively, 103.31± 3.04 cm, 5.62 ± 0.51, 8.77±1.92, 0.59 ± 0.07 in barrows, and 104.82 ± 2.27 cm, 5.36 ± 0.50, 7.73 ± 2.16, 0.58 ± 0.06 in gilts of BR; but 99.62 ± 2.75 cm, 5.08 ± 0.64, 6.15 ± 1.86, 0.51 ± 0.07 in barrows, and 100.82 ± 3.06 cm, 4.64 ± 0.50, 5.18 ± 0.98, 0.51 ± 0.06 in gilts of KR. The slaughter rate of barrows were also advantage in BR which were 87.98 ± 0.54% in BR and 87.47±0.68% in KR. The skeletal rate in gilts of KR was lower than those of BR (P < 0.05). Moreover, there was no any difference in the traits such as market age, live weight, carcass weight, backfat thickness, abdominal fat thickness, loin eye area, pairs of ribs, lean percentage, and fat percentage between BR and KR (P > 0.05). Taken together, we found that the offspring BR had better carcass performance such as carcass length and muscular color score which were accomplished by the breeding method used in this study. Key Words: Black pig, Carcass traits, LRI Duroc pig

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