畜試紅豬微衛星遺傳標記多態性分析 陳佳萱 陳若菁 王治華 鄭裕信 吳明哲 廖仁寶
行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 本試驗利用 13 組FAO 建議可用來分析猪基因多樣性之微衛星標記,及2 組與杜洛克猪產仔性能相關之微衛星標記(OPN 與KS148),進行48 頭畜試紅猪個體DNA之分子遺傳標記分析。結果顯示,15 組微衛星遺傳標記分析中,只有1 組無多態性,其餘14 組皆有多態性,其中9 組呈現高多態性訊息 (PIC ≧ 0.5),5 組呈現中多態性訊息 (0.5 > PIC ≧ 0.25),只有1 組呈現低多態性訊息 (PIC ≦ 0.25)。試驗檢測共得70 個交替基因,平均每個標記具有4.7 個交替基因 (1~12 個),其觀測異質度介於0~0.787,平均為0.566;期望異質度介於0~0.875,平均為0.537;而多態性訊息含量介於0~0.752,平均為0.508。整體而言,畜試紅猪之基因多樣性為高度多態性,但仍須注意基因多樣性的維持。 關鍵語:遺傳多樣性、畜試紅豬、微衛星標記 EVALUATING GENETIC DIVERSITY OF LRI DUROC PIGS BY MICROSATELLITE MARKERS C. H. Chen, J. C. Chen, C. H. Wang , Y. S. Cheng, M. C. Wu and R. B. Liaw
Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan A total of 15 microsatellite markers, 13 markers recommended by FAO and 2 markers ( OPN and KS148) related to the litter performance of Duroc, were used to evaluate the genetic diversity of 48 LRI Duroc pigs. The results indicated that only one marker showed no polymorphism and the other 14 markers showed polymorphisms. Based on the polymorphism features, 9 markers with high polymorphism information contents (PICs), 5 markers with moderate PICs, and the other one with low PIC have been identified. The values of total allele number, observed heterozygosity (Ho), expected heterozygosity (He), and polymorphism information content ranged from 1–12, 0–0.787, 0–0.875, and 0–0.752, respectively. The average values of allele number, Ho, He, and PIC were 4.7, 0.566, 0.537, and 0.508, respectively. Overall, the LRI Duroc pig population has high genetic diversity, but the maintenance of genetic diversity of this pig population should be concerned. Key Words: Genetic diversity, LRI Duroc pig, Microsatellite marker