陳佳萱(1) 朱巧倩(1) 謝佳容(1) 吳昇陽(2) 章嘉潔(2) 吳明哲(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所台東種畜繁殖場
本試驗旨在分散小型豬種原集中保存的風險與增加異地保種場的建置,持續開發穩定供應西部醫學研究中心使用生醫用小型豬做為實驗動物。本計畫自105年逐年引進遺傳穩定的小型豬族群,並收集異地飼養場的繁殖性能進行評估。試驗共收集30胎蘭嶼豬與3胎迷彩豬母豬資料,試驗結果顯示,蘭嶼豬與迷彩豬平均出生總仔數分別為6.53 ± 2.19與6.67± 1.53頭、出生活仔數4.97 ± 2.19與4.33 ± 0.58頭、出生體重0.43 ± 0.15與0.68 ± 0.26公斤,21天體重3.88 ± 0.62與3.20 ± 0.77公斤,左乳頭數5.33 ± 0.55與5.76 ± 0.83個、右乳頭數5.35 ± 0.54與5.88 ± 1.17個與總乳頭數10.68 ± 0.99與11.65 ± 1.97個。綜合以上性能調查,蘭嶼豬與迷彩豬出生頭數約為6.5頭,出生體重迷彩豬略重於蘭嶼豬,但21天體重則以蘭嶼豬較重,顯示蘭嶼豬出生後母豬泌乳性能較佳。
The reproductive performance of the biomedical-application minipigs in the isolated conservation center
C. H. Chen(1), C. C. Chu (1), C. J. Hsieh (1), S. Y. Wu (2) , C. C. Chang(2) and M. C. Wu(1) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2) Taitung Animal Propagation Station, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
In order to sustainably provide the research centers with minipigs as a biomedical research model, the purpose of this research is to minimize the risk of pure-breed minipig conservation and to build up the isolated conservation center for the minipig breeds. From 2016 to 2018, the genetic stable minipigs were introduced into the isolated conservation center and the reproductive performance of minipigs was be evaluated. All data were collected from 30 litters of Lanyu pig and 3 litters of LRI Mitsae pig. The results showed that the total number of piglets born (TNB), total number of piglets born alive (NBA), birth weight (BW), weight at 21 days (W21), number of teats at left, number of teats at right and total number of teats were 6.53 ± 2.19 and 6.67± 1.53, 4.97 ± 2.19 and 4.33 ± 0.58, 0.43 ± 0.15 and 0.68 ± 0.26, 3.88 ± 0.62 and 3.20 ± 0.77, 5.33 ± 0.55 and 5.76 ± 0.83, 5.35 ± 0.54 and 5.88 ± 1.17 , 10.68 ± 0.99 and 11.65 ± 1.97, respectively. According to the investigation of reproductive performance shown above, the TNB of Lanyu pig and LRI Mitsae pig are around 6.5, and the Mitsae pigs showed the higher BW than the LRI Mitsae pigs. Furthermore, the Lanyu pigs performed the higher W21 demonstrated that the Lanyu pigs had the better lactation performance after the delivery.
Key Words: Biomedical, Minipigs, Reproductive performance