謝佳容(1) 蘇安國(2) (1) 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所遺傳育種組 (2) 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所花蓮種畜繁殖場
本試驗旨在了解墊料品質對雞隻足墊的影響,並且建立足墊皮膚炎之研究模式。高畜L12 x L9土雞以每平方公尺12隻的密度飼養,並試圖外加水份於墊料以誘發足墊病變。濕墊料組在試驗第8週時(15週齡),約有17%的雞隻足墊部出現紅腫,在第9週時有外傷的情形發生。在乾墊料組方面,雞隻足墊部紅腫的現象遲至試驗的第9週才發生,約有6.62%的雞隻出現此病癥。至第12週結束試驗時,在濕墊料組有31.92%的雞隻表現足墊炎隻病徵,而FPD平均分數為0.36。在乾墊料組,有25.40%的雞隻表現足墊炎隻病徵,而FPD平均分數為0.27,無論在足墊炎的發生率與FPD平均分數上都較濕墊料組為低,顯見以增加墊料水份的方式可成功誘發足墊炎。在試驗第12週時,以卡方檢定驗證足墊炎的發生與個體體重有關。並且,足墊炎的發生率及嚴重程度也有性別上的差異。
The association between the litter quality and contact footpad dermatitis in floor-housed native chickens --The research model establishment of chicken footpad dermatitis
C. J. Hsieh(1) and A. K. Su(2) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. R.O.C (2) Hualien Animal Propagation Station, COA-TLRI.
This study was conducted to understand the influence of litter quality on the native chicken footpad and to establish the research model of footpad dermatitis. Crossbreed native chickens from TLRI K12 and K9 were reared under 12 birds/m2 rearing density, to induce the lesion of footpad, the moisture of litter was increased by adding water. In the water added group, around 17% chickens’ footpad turned red at 8th week (15 weeks old), and the trauma on footpads showed at 9th week. In the no water added group, around 6.62% chickens’ footpad turned red at 9th week. At the end of this experiment at 12th week, there are 31.92% chickens had FPD and got the FPD mean score of 0.36 in the water added group. Furthermore, in the no water added group, around 25.40% chickens suffered FPD and had the FPD mean score of 0.27. No matter the incidence of FPD or the FPD mean scores, both were higher in the water added group, it means that the FPD could be successfully induced by water adding in the litter. After Chi-square analyzed, the incidence of FPD had corresponded to the body weight of individuals. Finally, the incidence and severity of FPD differed by the genders.
Key words: Native chicken, Litter, Footpad dermatitis