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藍瑞斯完檢(英文) (7343)
畜牧半月刊2006年10月10日 (2314)
約克夏公豬合照(英文) (1152)
藍瑞斯完檢(英文) (1075)
杜洛克母豬合照(中文) (873)

1. 8.生醫用小型豬異地飼養之繁殖性能
2. 71.凱馨烏骨雞之微衛星遺傳標記多態性分析
3. 86.平飼土雞墊料品質與接觸性足墊皮膚炎之相關性研究--雞隻足墊皮膚炎研究模式的建立
4. 89.天噸乳牛305-2X-ME乳量預估值泌乳曲線探析
5. 121.檢定站種公豬各季節精子成熟度之比較
6. 123.導入智慧農業4.0機器人到乳牛場之天眼應用研究
7. 126.畜試土雞品系L9母雞 Z 染色體上SNP基因型與產蛋性能的分析
8. 127.台灣登錄種羊黏多醣症基因型頻率

吳明哲 (1) 曹全偉 (1) 朱巧倩 (1) 蔡秀容 (1) 賴永裕 (1) 王忠涵 (1) 蕭振文 (1) 方清泉 (2) 方愛茹 (2) 陳中興 (3) 王忠恕 (3)
(1) 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2) 中華民國乳業協會 (3) 行政院農業委員會畜牧處

壹灣乳牛群性能改進計畫(DHI)自 2001 年 1 月至 2018 年 10 月止計有 215,677 頭泌乳牛參 加測乳,依泌乳牛之產次、分媲月份、產乳天數及該月的採樣日測乳量,而預估這個泌乳期 305 天之擠乳兩次的成熟年齡(305-2X-ME)乳量預估值。當這頭泌乳牛有測乳 5 次以上的 305-2X-ME 乳量預估值 其平均 10,000 Kg 以上, 該頭乳牛年產乳量有 10 噸以上, 10 噸的英文是 Ten Tons,取其音取其義,稱這種乳牛為天噸乳牛(Ten-Tons Cow)。依天 噸乳牛測乳最後的年來看,從 2001 年的 32 頭天噸乳牛,逐年增加至 2018 年的 2,305 頭, 18 年來總計有 9,261 頭天噸乳牛。本研究應用 2018 年的 2,305 頭天噸乳牛來探析 305-2X- ME 乳量預估值泌乳曲線。2018 年的天噸乳牛平均乳量為 10,798Kg(最高產乳量有 14,448 Kg)、平均測乳 16.5 月次、平均 50 月齡,之中有測乳達 90 月次及 13.3 年齡。設定測乳月 次 30 次以上的為高繁天噸乳牛,計有 273 頭,其乳量平均為 10,808Kg 及平均 80.8 月齡。 高繁天噸乳牛之 305-2X-ME 乳量預估值泌乳曲線並非呈現水平線,但多隨母牛產次增加而 先提高至第 5 產次再下降。因此,本研究探析出產乳量持續度高的高齡多胎牛隻之 305-2X- ME 乳量預估值泌乳曲線型態有多種,以斜線上升型泌乳曲線居多,其次為上拋物線型。


Analysis on the lactation curve of 305-2x-me milk yield estimation of ten-tons cow

M. C. Wu(1), C. W. Chao(1), C. C. Chu(1), H. R. Tsai(1), Y. Y. Lai(1), S. H. Wang(1), J. W. Hsiau(1), Q. Q. Fang(2), I. R. Fang(2), C. H. Chen(3) and C. S. Wang(3)
(1) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan﹔ (2) Dairy Association of ROC﹔ (3) Animal Industry Division, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Taiwan Dairy Herd Improvement Program (DHI) has 215,677 milking cows from January 2001 to October 2018, the maturity equivalent milk yield estimation of 305-2X-ME was adjusted by the parity of the testing cow, the month of calving, the number of days after calving for milk sampling to the total amounts of milk for 305 days of lactation. When this lactating cow has an estimated 305-2X-ME for more than 5 times and its average is more than 10,000 kg, it is considered that the annual milk yield of the cow is 10 metric tons or more, and 10 metric tons of English is Ten-Tons, take its sound and take it as its name, saying that this cow is a Ten-Tons Cow. According to the year of last milk testing for Ten-Tons Cow, there were 32 cows in 2001 and then increased year by year to 2,305 cows in 2018. In the past 18 years, there were a total of 9,261 head of Ten-Tons Cow. This study used those of 2,305 cows in 2018 to analyze the lactation curve of the 305-2X-ME milk yield estimation. In 2018, the average milk yield of cows is 10,798 kg (the highest milk yield is 14,448 kg), the average milk sampling is 16.5 times, and the average age is 50 months old. Among them, the greatest times of milk sampling is 90 times and the maximum age is 13.3 years old. There are 273 cows with a higher than 30 times of milk sampling, and the average milk yield is 10,808 kg and an average age of 80.8 months old. The lactation curve of 305-2X-ME milk yield estimation of prolific Ten-Tons Cow is not in the horizontal line, but its milk yield increased with the parity of cows to the fifth parity. In this study, we can plot lactation curves of 305-2X-ME milk yield estimation of higher age and prolific cows with various parties. The typical lactation curve was mostly in the type of the ascending line, and secondly was in the type of the upper parabolic type.

Key Words: Dairy cattle, Milk yield, Parity

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