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藍瑞斯母豬合照(中文) (8250)
藍瑞斯完檢(中文) (1401)
現代養豬2009年12月號 (1584)
農牧旬刊2010年6月25日 (1259)
採精紀錄資料表 (888)

1. 8.生醫用小型豬異地飼養之繁殖性能
2. 71.凱馨烏骨雞之微衛星遺傳標記多態性分析
3. 86.平飼土雞墊料品質與接觸性足墊皮膚炎之相關性研究--雞隻足墊皮膚炎研究模式的建立
4. 89.天噸乳牛305-2X-ME乳量預估值泌乳曲線探析
5. 121.檢定站種公豬各季節精子成熟度之比較
6. 123.導入智慧農業4.0機器人到乳牛場之天眼應用研究
7. 126.畜試土雞品系L9母雞 Z 染色體上SNP基因型與產蛋性能的分析
8. 127.台灣登錄種羊黏多醣症基因型頻率

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)財團法人中央畜產會

粒線體是精子泳動及授精能力的關鍵因子,精子代謝所需要的能量由粒線體提供,因此粒線體的完整度為測定精子品質的重要依據。本試驗目的為年青公豬精子在不同季節之成熟度之比較,作為遺傳選拔的評估參考。年輕種公豬精子成熟度的評估可藉由流式細胞儀檢測其粒線體之完整性。測定之年青種公豬為財團法人中央畜產會種豬性能檢定站2016年至2017年共16期完檢之杜洛克、藍瑞斯及約克夏等3個品種計1079頭種公豬。種公豬於拍賣前20天採集精液,採集之新鮮精液儲存於 17℃保溫攜回實驗室測定精液濃度及同步快速測定每頭公豬精液至少5,000隻精子之粒線體完整度,作為判別年青公豬產精能力指標。檢測結果顯示,杜洛克(n=701)、藍瑞斯(n=270)及約克夏(n=180)公豬其各項分析項目之結果以平均值±標準偏差表示。各季節精子粒線體完整度均以第一季(一至三月)最佳,分別為66.7±20.3、67.4±23.7及67.9±25.8%。


Comparison of sperm maturity in breeding pig of the pig performance testing station in different seasons

C. C. Chu(1), S. R. Wang(2), C. H. Chen(1), H. L. Lin(1), C. J. Hsieh(1), T. Y. Kuo(1), Y. Y. Lai(1), and M. C.
(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)National Animal Industry Foundation

Mitochondria play the important role in the motility and fertility of sperm via providing the energy for the metabolism of sperm. Therefore the mitochondria integrity is a vital criteria the quality of sperm. The objective of this study is conducted to compare the maturation of sperm mitochondria in young boars from different seasons to establish the reference for the genetic selections. The flow cytometry was applied to detect the integrity of mitochondria as well as the maturation of sperm from the young boars. 16 batches of boars from 2016 to 2017, totally 1079 boars from 3 breeds (Duroc, Landrace and Yorkshire) in the Pig Performance Testing Station of National Animal Industry Foundation were tested. The semen was collected from boars by 20 days before the auction and stored at 17℃. Consequently, the semen was analyzed by the flow cytometry, at least 5,000 sperms were be checked for the integrity of mitochondria to distinguish the sperm productive capability of young boars. The results showed that the sperm collected in the first season (from January to March) had the best mitochondria integrity and the mean values of integrity were 66.7 ± 20.3%, 67.4 ± 23.7% and 67.9±25.8% in Duroc (n=701), Landrance (n=270) and Yorkshire (n=108) respectively.

Key Words: Breeding pig, Sperm, Mitochondrial integrity

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