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約克夏公豬合照(中文) (1111)
約克夏完檢(中文) (1188)
約克夏採精照片 (1462)
中國畜牧2009年十二月號 (1916)
約克夏完檢(中文) (1117)

1. 8.生醫用小型豬異地飼養之繁殖性能
2. 71.凱馨烏骨雞之微衛星遺傳標記多態性分析
3. 86.平飼土雞墊料品質與接觸性足墊皮膚炎之相關性研究--雞隻足墊皮膚炎研究模式的建立
4. 89.天噸乳牛305-2X-ME乳量預估值泌乳曲線探析
5. 121.檢定站種公豬各季節精子成熟度之比較
6. 123.導入智慧農業4.0機器人到乳牛場之天眼應用研究
7. 126.畜試土雞品系L9母雞 Z 染色體上SNP基因型與產蛋性能的分析
8. 127.台灣登錄種羊黏多醣症基因型頻率

曹全偉 吳明哲 朱巧倩 賴永裕

推料餵牛機器人係本所於106年引進之智慧型推草餵牛省電智慧化設備,可使用行動裝置透過藍芽連線搖控行走的功能。導入示範場域後有效取代每日3到4小時的人力需求,並可增加牛隻的進食次數及進食量,使乳量更為穩定並增加3到8%。 為了使推料作業可以呈現現場的餵養牛隻狀況,本所創新設計整合現行WebCam(網路攝影機)監控設備作為天眼,以畜牧場現有已佈建的Wi-Fi無線網路為基礎。透過網際網路提供牧場主人即使出門在外,亦可透過手機APP 隨時監視牛隻餵養情形,除了可以遠端查看牛隻進食狀況外,亦能確認牛隻背部拱起情形以辨識牛隻的腳部健康。


Application Study of Web Camera on Robots Using in Dairy Cattle Farms Under Smart Agriculture 4.0 Program

C. W. Tsao, M. C. Wu, C. C. Chu, Y. Y. Lai
Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The push-feeding robot is a smart-type grass-feeding and intelligent power-saving device introduced by Livestock Research Institute in 2017. It can use the mobile device to remotely control the walking function through the Bluetooth connection. After importing to the demonstration dairy farm, it effectively replaces the manpower requirement of 3 to 4 hours per day, and increases the eating times and quantity of the cows. It also making the milk amount more stable and increasing by 3 to 8%. In order to enable the push-feeding robot to present the situation of feeding cattle in the field, we creatively integrate the current Web Camera (network camera) monitoring device as the eye, based on the existing Wi-Fi wireless network built by the dairy farm, through the Internet. Through the Internet, the ranchers can monitor the feeding of cattle at any time through the mobile application software. They can remotely check the feeding status of the cows at the far end. It can also confirm the back of the cattle to identify the feet health of cattles.

Key Words: robot, sky-eye, forage pusher, web camera

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