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現代養豬2007年12月號 (2693)
約克夏完檢(中文) (1282)
杜洛克採精照片 (865)
採精紀錄資料表 (742)
杜洛克母豬合照(中文) (857)

1. 86.乳牛場分媲牛舍立體空間聲紋收集象統之應用
2. 88.種豬拍賣承購價影響因素之探討
3. 90.種畜禽品種圖鑑之毛色、頭部、軀體及四肢等四項外表型特徵訂定
4. 94.臺灣山羊族群鈣蛋白晦抑制蛋白基因多態性調查
5. 95.努比亞山羊黏多醋症基因型之即時聚合晦鏈鎖反應檢測方法應用
6. 99.臺灣水鹿鹿草重量之個體及年度改進量
7. 103.耐熱型高繁天噸乳牛之夏季產乳量及女兒牛初產月齡
8. 112.調查 5,000 頭以上養豬場各階段育成率與應用對策
9. 118.畜試土雞選育族群之家禽白血病 J 病毒監測
10. 121.檢定站種公豬精子成熟度與飼料效率之關聯性

謝佳容 (1) 陳若菁 (1) 吳明哲 (1)
(1) 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

鈣蛋白晦抑制蛋白(Calpastatin)其有抑制鈣蛋白(Calpain)的功能,是決定肌肉 生成與肉質柔嫩度的關鍵因子。先前研究中已證實在山羊的鈣蛋白晦抑制蛋白基因 (CAST)中,位於 exon 1C 與 exon 1D 間,長約 620 bp 的片段裡其有基因多態性。 本調查以 PCR-RFLP 分析臺灣常見山羊族群,包含臺灣黑山羊花蓮品率、臺灣黑山 羊恆春品率、吉安山羊、墾丁山羊、努比亞山羊、阿爾拜因山羊與撒能山羊等品種的 CAST 多態性,結呆顯示臺灣山羊族群 100% 為 MM 型。因此,進一步藉由定序分析 了解此區段是否有臺灣山羊族群特有的多態性。結呆顯示努比亞山羊與阿爾拜因山羊 在此區間的第 190 bp、第 362 bp、397 bp 與 475 bp 處多有變異發生,而臺灣本土山 羊與撒能山羊則無此情況。而了解山羊 CAST 基因的多態性可做為未來山羊基因選種 的基礎。


Investigating calpastatin gene polymorphism of goat populations in Taiwan

C. J. Hsieh(1), R. J. Chen(1) and M. C. Wu(1)
(1) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Calpastatin is a calpain inhibitor and plays an important role in the myogenesis and the tenderness of the meat. Previous studies verified that the calpastatin gene (CAST) shows the polymorphism in the 620 bp length region between the exon 1C and exon 1D in goats. This study was conducted to the analysis the CAST polymorphism of Taiwan goat populations by PCR-RFLP and the populations included Taiwan black goat-Hualien line, Taiwan black goat- Hengchun line, Jian goat, Kenting goat, Nubian goat, Alpine goat, and Sanna goat. The result indicated that I00% of goats were MM type in Taiwan. To figure out whether the Taiwan goat population-specific polymorphism in this region, DNA sequencing was applied. The results showed that variants located on 190 bp, 362 bp, 397 bp and 475 bp in the Nubian and Alpine populations, however, there no altered in indigenous and Sanna populations. The clarification of CAST polymorphism could be the reference of goat genetic breeding in the future.

Key Words: Goats, Calpastatin, Gene polymorphism

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