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中國畜牧2007年八月號 (1934)
藍瑞斯母豬合照(英文) (1533)
約克夏完檢(英文) (1612)
藍瑞斯完檢(英文) (1388)
採精紀錄資料表 (1112)

1. 86.乳牛場分媲牛舍立體空間聲紋收集象統之應用
2. 88.種豬拍賣承購價影響因素之探討
3. 90.種畜禽品種圖鑑之毛色、頭部、軀體及四肢等四項外表型特徵訂定
4. 94.臺灣山羊族群鈣蛋白晦抑制蛋白基因多態性調查
5. 95.努比亞山羊黏多醋症基因型之即時聚合晦鏈鎖反應檢測方法應用
6. 99.臺灣水鹿鹿草重量之個體及年度改進量
7. 103.耐熱型高繁天噸乳牛之夏季產乳量及女兒牛初產月齡
8. 112.調查 5,000 頭以上養豬場各階段育成率與應用對策
9. 118.畜試土雞選育族群之家禽白血病 J 病毒監測
10. 121.檢定站種公豬精子成熟度與飼料效率之關聯性
第四十八卷(2019) 86.乳牛場分媲牛舍立體空間聲紋收集象統之應用

曹全偉 (1) 賴永裕 (1) 朱巧倩 (1) 吳明哲 (1) 黃常禎 (2) 許成寶 (3) 蔡文松 (4) 林泰維 (4) 周聖傑 (4)
(1) 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2) 禾芳種牛場 (3) 瑞奇種牛場 (4) 仁寶電腦工業股份有限公司

酪農業的生乳生產是由泌乳牛隻每日擠乳所貢獻,泌乳牛必須持續配種生產仔牛來維 持每日的泌乳生產,所產仔牛亦是延續生乳製造重要一環。目前在深夜時段,酪農戶 以排班巡視方式來減少母牛深夜難產的情形。因此懷孕母牛的分媲監測及接生照護是 酪農業重要的管理環節,亦是相當仰賴人力的投入。本研究研發全向式收音箱裝設於 分媲牛舍立體空間,收音範園為半徑 10 公尺,並其備基本液體滲透及固態微粒防護 等級(IP54)。象統在每日的夜晚到凌晨時段收集錄製牛隻的叫聲聲紋,以特殊技術 過遭人聲、抽風扇、飛機、頸夾及大型機其的噪音。所收集的聲紋檔,透過 Wi-Fi 無 線網路及網際網路傳送到生乳數據平台的資料庫,並以 MQTT Broker 進行資訊溝通。 象統提供 RWD 網頁及行動裝置 APP 給使用者設定參數及存取聲紋檔,作為分析牛隻 分媲行為聲紋辨識之用途。


Applying voice collecting system in the stereoscopic space of dairy farm

C. W. Tsao(1), Y. Y. Lai(1), C. C. Chu(1), M. C. Wu(1), C. C. HUANG(2), C. P. Hsu(3), W. S. Tsai(4), T. W. Lin(4) and S. C. Chou(4)
(1) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan; (2) Ho Fang Dairy Breeding Farm; (3) Ricky Dairy Breeding Farm; (4) Compal Electronics, Inc.

The production of raw milk in dairy farming is contributed by the daily milking cows. Lactating cows must continue to breed and produce calves to maintain daily lactation production. These calves are also an important part of the continuous production of raw milk. At present, dairy farmers patrols by turns to reduce dystocia situation of cows in the midnight. Therefore, the childbirth monitoring and care of pregnant cows is an important management part in dairy farming. It also relies heavily on manpower. This research develops the omnidirectional receiver installed in stereoscopic space of the childbirth cowshed. The system records the sound of cows during the midnight and uses special techniques to filter the noise of vocals, fans, airplanes, neck clips and large machines. The system provides the RWD website and mobile device application to set parameters and access the voice files for the user to use as the voiceprint identification for analyzing the behavior of childbirth.

Key Words: Dairy farm, Childbirth, Voice

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