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杜洛克母豬合照(英文) (1803)
體型評鑑 (1810)
約克夏母豬合照(中文) (1435)
體型評鑑 (1376)
約克夏採精照片 (1299)

1. 86.乳牛場分媲牛舍立體空間聲紋收集象統之應用
2. 88.種豬拍賣承購價影響因素之探討
3. 90.種畜禽品種圖鑑之毛色、頭部、軀體及四肢等四項外表型特徵訂定
4. 94.臺灣山羊族群鈣蛋白晦抑制蛋白基因多態性調查
5. 95.努比亞山羊黏多醋症基因型之即時聚合晦鏈鎖反應檢測方法應用
6. 99.臺灣水鹿鹿草重量之個體及年度改進量
7. 103.耐熱型高繁天噸乳牛之夏季產乳量及女兒牛初產月齡
8. 112.調查 5,000 頭以上養豬場各階段育成率與應用對策
9. 118.畜試土雞選育族群之家禽白血病 J 病毒監測
10. 121.檢定站種公豬精子成熟度與飼料效率之關聯性

吳明哲 (1) 林德育 (1) 顏念慈 (1) 林信宏 (1) 康獻仁 (1) 許晉賓 (1) 梁素金 (2) 林正祥 (3) 陳培梅 (4)
(1) 畜產試驗所 (2) 中華民國養鹿協會 (3) 中央畜產會 (4) 農業委員會

中華民國養鹿協會為鼓勵鹿農培育優良鹿種,重視品質,增加收益,已辦理鹿隻產草 量比賽活動達 14 屆。參賽鹿隻不得為不同鹿種交配繁殖之鹿隻。比賽以現場採草為 限﹔未有評審委員在場並現場拍照而逕行採草者喪失參賽資格。使用經比賽當年校正 過貼有合格標籤或以標準法碼當場校對無誤之電子秤過磅。電子秤過磅所得鹿草之台 兩重量亦應拍照存查。獲獎的鹿隻計有 551 頭次,飼養於 14 個縣市。鹿草重量介於 145.6 ∼ 485.3 台兩及其平均 229.7 士 47.8 台兩(8.61 士 .79 kg)。最前 20 名次草重平 均於 2012 年與 2019 年分別為 248.2 與 317.4 台兩,臺灣水鹿鹿草重量年度改進量約 為 7.7((317.4 - 248.2 = 69.2)/7)台兩。


Individual and annual improvement of antler weight in Formosan Sambar Deer

M. C. Wu(1), D. Y. Lin(1), N. T. Yen(1), H. H. Lin(1), S. R. Kang(1), C. B. Hsu(1), S. J. Liang(2), C. S. Lin(3) and P. M. Chen(4)
(1) Livestock Research Institute; (2) Deer Farmers Association R.O.C.; (3) National Animal Industry Foundation; (4) Council of Agriculture

Deer Farmers Association R.O.C. encourages deer farmers to cultivate excellent deer species, enhance quality, and increase profits. The antler weight competition has been carried out for 14 years. Deer individuals are not allowed to breed from different deer breeds. The competition was limited to the on-site assessment; judges should present and photographed on the spot. Use the electronic scales that have been calibrated in the current year of the competition to be qualified or labelled on the spot. The weight of the antler's table obtained by weighing the electronic scale should also be photographed. The award-winning deer has only 551 heads and is raised in 14 counties and cities. The antler weight ranges from 145.6 to 485.3 tael units and its average is 229.7 士 47.8 tael (8.61 士 1.79 kg). The top 20 velvet weight averages were 248.2 and 317.4 tael in 2012 and 2019 respectively. The annual improvement of Taiwan's Sambar antler weight was about 7.7 ( (317.4 - 248.2 = 69.2) /7) tael.

Key Words: Sambar Deer, Antler, Performance improvement

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