112.調查 5,000 頭以上養豬場各階段育成率與應用對策
陳佳萱 (1) 謝佳容 (1) 吳明哲 (1) (1) 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所
依據中央畜產會 107 年 5 月底養豬頭數調查,臺灣毛豬飼養場共 6,999 場,扣除出清 場 121 場,共有 6,878 場,108 年 5 月底飼養規模 199 頭以下 2,819 場,占總場數(不 含出清場)41%,飼養頭數僅占總頭數 3.09%。飼養規模達 1,000 頭以上養豬場 1,577 場(占 22.93%),飼養頭數占總頭數 70.34%,掌握近 70% 豬源,飼養規模 5 千頭 以上豬場總場數占總場數 1.92%,但生產飼養頭數卻占總頭數的 22.87%。本試驗告 在針對養豬規模 5,000 頭以上豬場收集母豬繁殖性能資料與調查豬隻各階段育成率。 調查 6 家飼養 5,000 頭以上豬場 7 個月的調查資料顯示,母豬懷孕率 73.3 ∼ 85.5%、 平均活頭數 8.56 ∼ 11.78 頭、離乳育成率 83.01 ∼ 90.88%、保育期育成率 84.15 ∼ 89.37%、全期育成率 77.23 ∼ 87.12%。
Investigating the survival rate of different stages in pig farms with over 5,000 heads scale and its application strategy
C. H. Chen(1), C. J. Hsieh(1) and M. C. Wu(1) (1) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
According to the survey from the National Animal Industry Foundation in May 2018, there were 6,878 pig farms in Taiwan. In May of 2019, the pig farms with under 199 heads scale were counted 2,819 which occupied 41% of total pig farms and reared 3.09% of pigs in total pigs. Also, the pig farms with over 1,000 heads scale were counted 1,577 (22.93%) and reared 70.34% of pigs. Finally, the pig farms with over 5,000 heads scale were occupied 1.29% of total pig farms, however, they reared 22.87% of pigs in total pigs. This study was conducted to survey the reproduction performance and the survival rate in different stages of sows in the pig farms with over 5,000 heads scale. Totally 6 farms were surveyed in 7 months, and the results showed that the pregnancy rates of sows were 73.3 to 85.5%, total number of piglets born alive were 8.56 to 11.78, survival rates on weaning were 83.01 to 90.88%, survival rates on feeder were 84.15 to 89.37% and survival rates on finisher were 77.23 to 87.12%.
Key Words: Pig, Survival rate