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藍瑞斯公豬合照(英文) (1857)
採精記錄 (1112)
約克夏母豬合照(中文) (1181)
藍瑞斯完檢(中文) (1271)
優質牛排行榜 (885)

1. 38. 自 2013 年至 2020 年台灣荷蘭牛群 Freemartin 之基因診斷結果
2. 41. 畜試土雞 L7 品系母雞之高產蛋數選育
3. 43. 即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應檢測雞隻 OCX-32 基因點突變初探
4. 44. 土雞 A-FABP 基因雙突變點基因型與肉質性狀關聯性分析
5. 101. 黑豬 MC4R 與 GH 基因型頻率
6. 115.臺灣登錄山羊微衛星遺傳標記基因多樣性分析
7. 116. 種豬場產精性能耐熱型公豬檢定評選之研究
8. 121. 近親土雞 LRI-L7 品率母雞產蛋性狀遺傳參數估計
9. 221. 台灣香檬皮渣有效成分調查及肉豬之飼養效果
41. 畜試土雞 L7 品系母雞之高產蛋數選育

林德育(1) 曾淑貞(2) 賴永裕(1) 洪哲明(1) 劉曉龍(1) 蔡銘洋(1) 朱家德(1) 吳明哲(1)
(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)中華醫事科技大學

產蛋數不僅是商業蛋雞的重要經濟性狀,對於種雞與商業肉雞生產業者更是直接影響經濟效益的重要性狀。應用近親土雞台畜一號品系 L7 族群進行高產蛋數選育,依據雞隻個體 16 週齡體重、母雞 40 週齡產蛋數及種雞受精率與孵化率進行種雞選留與繁殖更新世代。經 5 個世代選育後,公雞與母雞 16 週齡平均體重有明顯上升(P < 0.05),母雞平均初產日齡、初產蛋重、40 週齡平均蛋重及 40 週齡產蛋數在世代問皆存在顯著差異(P < 0.001)與改進。雞隻 16 週齡平均體重與母雞 40 週齡平均蛋重並未因產蛋數的增加而減輕,反而有顯著地提高。本試驗應用小族群土雞系譜繁殖,並以獨立淘汰法來進行土雞高產蛋數的選育,確實可有效地提升母雞 40 週齡產蛋數,且對雞隻 16 週齡的體重與 40 週齡平均蛋重亦有顯著的改善,可作為民問種雞業者改善母雞產蛋數的選育技術平台。


Selection of high egg production in LRI-L7 native chicken

D. Y. Lin(1), S. J. Tzeng(2), Y. Y. Lai(1), C. M. Hung(1), H. L. Liu(1), M. Y. Tsai(1), C. T. Chu(1) and M. C. Wu(1)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture
(2)Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology

Egg production is not only an important economic trait of commercial layers, but also an important trait that directly affects economic benefits for breeder and commercial broiler producers. The LRI-L7 native chickens were selected for high egg production. Chickens were selected based on the body weight of the individual chickens at 16 weeks of age (BW16), egg numbers produced by the hens up to 40 weeks of age (EN40), and the fertilization rate and hatchability of parents for breeding newer generations. After five generations of selection, the average 16-week-old body weight of roosters and hens were increased significantly (P < 0.05), and the average age at first egg (AFE), average egg weight at first egg (EWFE), average egg weight at 40 weeks of age (EW40), and EN40 in hens were improved significantly (P < 0.001). The average BW16 and EW40 did not decrease due to the increase in EN40. In this trial, we used a small ethnic group of native chicken with pedigrees and the independent elimination method to conduct the program for the selection of high egg production in native chickens. It can indeed effectively increase EN40 of hens and improve the BW16 of chickens. And it can be used as a breeding technology platform for private breeders to improve egg production of hens.

Key Words: Chicken, High egg production, Selection

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