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拍賣順序 (1988)
畜牧半月刊2007年8月10日 (2072)
藍瑞斯公豬合照(中文) (1265)
杜洛克公豬合照(英文) (1171)
杜洛克母豬合照(英文) (517)

1. 38. 自 2013 年至 2020 年台灣荷蘭牛群 Freemartin 之基因診斷結果
2. 41. 畜試土雞 L7 品系母雞之高產蛋數選育
3. 43. 即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應檢測雞隻 OCX-32 基因點突變初探
4. 44. 土雞 A-FABP 基因雙突變點基因型與肉質性狀關聯性分析
5. 101. 黑豬 MC4R 與 GH 基因型頻率
6. 115.臺灣登錄山羊微衛星遺傳標記基因多樣性分析
7. 116. 種豬場產精性能耐熱型公豬檢定評選之研究
8. 121. 近親土雞 LRI-L7 品率母雞產蛋性狀遺傳參數估計
9. 221. 台灣香檬皮渣有效成分調查及肉豬之飼養效果
44. 土雞 A-FABP 基因雙突變點基因型與肉質性狀關聯性分析

朱家德(1) 林德育(1) 李孟儒(1) 賴永裕(1) 陳文賢(1) 鄧學極(2) 吳明哲(1) 張秀鑾(3)
(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)坤諦股份有限公司 (3)國立屏束科技大學

脂肪細胞脂肪酸結合蛋白(adipocyte fatty acid binding protein, A-FABP)基因被視為影響雞胸肉與腿肉肌內脂肪含量候選基因之一。本研究以即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應平台建置A-FABP 基因 C85T 與 A1765G 突變點基因型鑑定,結合 240 隻試驗雞群(包括紅羽土雞、黑羽土雞及烏骨雞,各 80 隻,公母各半)肉質性狀記錄,應用 SAS 統計分析軟體進行一般線性模式(general liner model, GLM)與最小平方均值(least squares means, LSM)比較。校正品種、性別及週齡等各因子所得 BB 基因型(A-FABP -C85T 突變點)雞隻有顯著較高腿肉粗脂肪含量(5.84 ± 0.47%,P < 0.05), CC 基因型(A-FABP -A1765G突變點)者有顯著較高腿肉粗脂肪含量與胸肉 pH 值(5.65 ± 0.37%,5.87 ± 0.02,P < 0.05)。未來擬持續收集紅羽土雞、黑羽土雞及烏骨雞肉質性狀資料,進一步分析 A-FABP 基因 C85T 與 A1765G 二位點基因型對三個雞種品種內肉質性狀性能表現之影響。

關鍵語:A-FABP 基因、雞、肌內脂肪、肉質性狀、即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應

Association analysis between genotypes of A-FABP point mutation and meat quality traits in indigenous chicken

C. T. Chu(1), D. Y. Lin(1), M. R. Lee(1), Y. Y. Lai(1), J. C. Chen(1), H. C. Teng(2), M. C. Wu(1) and H. L. Chang(3)

(1) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture
(2)Queen Tee CO., LTD
(3)National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

The adipocyte fatty acid binding protein gene, A-FABP, is considered as one of the candidate genes affecting the intramuscular fat, IMF, content in chicken. This study utilized the two-point mutation, C85T and A1765G, on the A-FABP gene by real-time PCR platform, and meat quality traits recorded from three different breeds of chicken include red feather native chicken, black feather native chicken, and silkie bantam. Strategic Application Software were performed using the general linear model (GLM) procedure of SAS to determine the significance of the effects and their interactions. The results illustrated that chicken inheriting the homozygote of BB genotype by A-FABP -C85T had a significantly higher content of IMF in the thigh muscle (5.84 ± 0.47%, P < 0.05). Chicken inheriting the homozygote of CC genotype by A-FABP-A1765G had a significantly higher content of IMF in the thigh muscle and pH value in the breast muscle (5.65 ± 0.37%, 5.87 ± 0.02, P < 0.05). We will proceed to collect more information on meat quality traits to analyze the effect of the A-FABP gene mutations in three different breeds of chicken.

Key Words: A-FABP gene, Chicken, Intramuscular fat, Meat quality traits, Real-time PCR

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