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藍瑞斯完檢(英文) (8038)
現代養豬2006年10月號 (8211)
農牧旬刊2008年6月15日 (1550)
畜牧半月刊2010年10月30日 (968)
藍瑞斯採精照片 (2446)

1. 38. 自 2013 年至 2020 年台灣荷蘭牛群 Freemartin 之基因診斷結果
2. 41. 畜試土雞 L7 品系母雞之高產蛋數選育
3. 43. 即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應檢測雞隻 OCX-32 基因點突變初探
4. 44. 土雞 A-FABP 基因雙突變點基因型與肉質性狀關聯性分析
5. 101. 黑豬 MC4R 與 GH 基因型頻率
6. 115.臺灣登錄山羊微衛星遺傳標記基因多樣性分析
7. 116. 種豬場產精性能耐熱型公豬檢定評選之研究
8. 121. 近親土雞 LRI-L7 品率母雞產蛋性狀遺傳參數估計
9. 221. 台灣香檬皮渣有效成分調查及肉豬之飼養效果
101. 黑豬 MC4R 與 GH 基因型頻率

陳佳萱(1) 黃建勳(2) 彭麟量(1) 謝佳容(1) 林幼君(1) 劉忠憲(2) 蕭振文(1)
(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)財團法人食品工業發展研究所

本試驗目的建立黑豬生長遺傳標記(MC4R 與 GH)聚合酶連鎖反應檢測條件與分析其基因型頻率。試驗收集本所高雄種畜繁殖場高畜黑豬與高畜黑豬-高肉質品系豬隻共 66 頭,收集標的豬隻以 60 - 70 日齡保育豬隻,同胎體重最高與最低體重落差,所收集的豬隻體重介於 6.9 ~ 25.1 kg 之間。分析黑色素皮質素受體 4(Melanocortin 4 receptor, MC4R)與生長激素(growth hormone, GH)基因型,MC4R 共分成 3 種基因型,分別是 11、12 與 22 等 3 種基因型,各基因型頻率分別為 60.61%、27.27% 與 12.12%﹔GH 共分為 3 種基因型,分別是 D1D1、D1D2 與 D2D2 等 3 種基因型,各基因型頻率分別為 16.67%、50% 與 33.33%。出生體重以 MC4R-12 型 1.41 ± 0.05 與 GH-D1D1 型 1.41 ± 0.09 公斤最重﹔70 天體重以 MC4R-11 型 15.12 ± 0.69 與 GH-D1D1 型 15.54 ± 1.34 公斤最重。建議 MC4R 選 11 型,GH 選 D1D1 型作為選拔參考。

關鍵語:黑豬、MC4R 基因、GH 基因

The genotype frequency of MC4R and GH genes in black pigs

C. H. Chen(1), C. H. Huang(2), L. L. Peng(1), C. J. Hsien(1), Y. C. Lin(1), C. H. Liu(2) and J. W. Shiau(1)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
(2)Bioresource Collection and Research Center, Food Industry Research and Development Institute

The purpose of this experiment is to establish the detection conditions of polymerase chain reaction for growth performance genes of black pigs such as MC4R and GH, and to analyze their genotype frequencies. Total 66 weaner pigs from the KHAPS black pig and KHAPS black pig-high meat quality genotype line were involved in this experiment. The samples were collected from the 60 to 70 days old weaner pigs that body weights were between 6.9 to 25.1 kg. In addition, the genotypes of Melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) and growth hormone (GH) were analyzed. MC4R demonstrated 3 different genotypes that named 11, 12, and 22, as well as the genotype frequencies, which showed 60.61%, 27.27%, and 12.12% respectively. Similarly, GH also has is 3 genotypes, and named D1D1, D1D2 and D2D2. The genotype frequencies of GH were 16.67%, 50.00% and, 33.33%. The results show that the MC4R-12 and GH-D1D1 types indicate the highest birth weights that are 1.41 ± 0.05 and 1.41 ± 0.09 kg. Furthermore, in the 70-day old weaner pigs, MC4R-11 and GH-D1D1 genotypes show the highest body weights and are 15.12 ± 0.69 and 15.54 ± 1.34 kg respectively. In conclusion, we recommend that take type 11 of MC4R and type D1D1 of GH into the considerations of selection for breeding.

Key Words: Black pig, MC4R gene, GH gene

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