吳明哲 李世昌 黃鈺嘉 張菊犁 李素珍 曾青雲 陳志毅
種牛血統登錄、性能檢定及展示拍賣是種牛出口產業的三合一措施。牛群參加乳質檢測並應用www.angrin.tlri.gov.tw 網路資訊化以來,具有父母親血統記錄的血統登錄泌乳牛頭數百分比(簡稱血統登錄率)從2001年的44.1% (12514/28381頭)、在2002年也增加測乳頭數6414頭及其血統登錄率增為49.7% (17239/34705)、2003年的54.9% (21618/39357)、2004年的60.6% (24365/40174)增至2005年60.8% (21404/35195,僅1至9月),這五年血統登錄率已增加16.7%,平均每年增加血統登錄率4.2%。測乳戶數上,該戶泌乳牛群至少有10頭血統登錄泌乳牛的戶數自2001年的214戶(287戶的74.5%),增加至2002年的245戶(315戶的77.7%)、2003年的273戶(348戶的78.4%)、2004年的288戶(345戶的83.4%)、2005年的271戶(319戶的84.9%),重視血統登錄牛的戶數增加10%。當以血統登錄泌乳牛頭數最多的100戶來看,第100名的血統登錄泌乳牛頭數在2001年是55頭(第一名是167頭)、在2002年是74頭(第一名是266頭)、在2003年是91頭(第一名是355頭)、在2004年是97頭(第一名是370頭)、在2005年是86頭(第一名是393頭),每戶的血統登錄牛頭數規模自2001年的88.8+26.9頭、增加至2002年的109.3+34.6頭、2003年的124.2+37.3頭、2004年的136.0+43.0頭、2005年的124.7+40.1頭。頭數最多的血統登錄泌乳牛100戶之血統登錄率平均自2001年的71.6+17.4%,增加至2002年的79.4+16.8%、2003年的82.3+15.1%、2004年的85.8+13.0%、2005年的83.7+13.1%。依區域分析,2005年的血統登錄泌乳牛21404頭,在台南有24.2%、屏東有23.5%、彰化有13.6%、嘉義有13.2%、雲林有11.7%、高雄有7.1%、苗栗有2.1%、其他地區有4.6%,台南及屏東的血統登錄泌乳牛合計有47.7%之多。在2005年擁有200頭以上的血統登錄泌乳牛有台南順胜實業(393頭)、屏東李全弘(224頭)及屏東陳光雄(201頭)三戶。2001至2005年測乳資訊上網及種牛場登記的引導下,測乳戶對牛隻血統記錄重視度明顯地增加16.7%。
M. C. Wu, S. C. Lee, Y. C. Huang, C. L. Chang, S. J. Lee, C. Y. Tseng and J. Y. Chen
Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
Pedigree registration, performance test and auction show are three main activities to develop the dairy industry of breeding stocks for international market. Cows with data of milk quality were webbed via www.angrin.tlri.gov.tw to improve herd production efficiency in Taiwan. Percentage of pedigree registration (PR rate) with parental data form 2001 to 2005 were 44.1%(12514/28381 head), 49.7% (17239/34705), 54.9%(21618/39357), 60.6%(24365/40174), up to 60.8%(21404/35195, only from Jan to Sept of 2005). PR rate grew 16.7% from the last five years with an annual increase of 4.2%. Comparison on the number of farm having at least 10 PR cows, 214 farms (74.5% of 287 farms), 245 farms (77.7% of 315 farms), 273 farms (78.4% of 348 farms), 288 farms (83.4% of 345 farms), and 271 farms (84.9% of 319 farms) were recorded in 2001 to 2005. A 10% of increase on number of farms having 10 or more PR cows was recorded. When the top 100 ranking farms ranked with the number of PR cows were selected, the number of PR cows in the 100th farm form 2001 to 2005 were 55 (167 head in the first one), 74 (266 head in 1st), 91 (355 head in 1st), 97 (370 head in 1st), and 86 cows (393 head in 1st). Mean with standard deviation of number of PR cows per farm were 88.8+26.9 head in 2001, 109.3+34.6 head in 2002, 124.2+37.3 head in 2003, 136.0+43.0 head in 2004, and 124.7+40.1 head in 2005. The PR rate of milking cows in those of top 100 farms was 71.6+17.4% in 2001, 79.4+16.8% in 2002, 82.3+15.1% in 2003, 85.8+13.0% in 2004, and 83.7+13.1% in 2005. Regional analysis for 21404 PR cows in 2005, there were 24.2% raised at Tainan, 23.5% at Pingtung, 13.6% at Chunghua, 13.2% at Chiayi, 11.7% at Yulin, 7.1% at Kaohsiung, 2.1% at Miaoli, and other regions having 4.6%. Both Tainan and Pingtung regions had 47.7% of PR cows to the whole. When the farm having 200 or more PR cows was selected, only three farms had the herd size and there were Tainan SS Farm (393 PR cows), Pingtung Lee Farm (224 PR cows) and Pingtung Chen Farm (201 PR cows). Overall, dairy farms under introduction of web information system and breeding farm establishment during the period of 2001 to 2005, the PR rate of milking cows had an increase of 16.7% from those of farms with a significant works on pedigree recording.
Key Words: Dairy cows, Pedigree registration, Test of milk quality
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