賴永裕 李世昌 翁書穎 蔡秀容 黃鈺嘉 吳明哲 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所
台灣畜產種原知識庫 agrkb.angrin.tlri.gov.tw 採用新一代網站內容管理XOOPS (eXtended Object-Oriented Portal System)系統透過PHP模組程式將資料儲存於資料庫供維護與管理之用,知識資料庫定期重建檢索,提高育種資料之利用效率。整理已建置於畜產種原資訊網內 www.angrin.tlri.gov.tw 之畜禽育種相關文件、畜產相關期刊及雜誌等資料,依其不同特性之知識資料種類分類整理,並完成文件物件化之架構與資料庫系統分析等工作,將蒐集的畜禽育種相關文件,依知識資料種類的內容分類整理與建立電子檔案,並完成知識資料交換、排序、搜尋與重新輸出各式文件或報表。共計7大項分類中有18種專輯、9種雜誌、20種書刊及手冊、8種法規、13種會議資料、6種多媒體、27種其他資料等次分類。本知識資料庫是一個高度可擴充、具物件導向,導入知識管理為核心,經由網路的連結,使用者可以迅速、便捷的獲取家畜育種資訊,提高育種資料之利用效率。
Y. Y. Lai, S. C. Lee, S. Y. Weng, S. R. Tsai, Y. C. Huang and M. C. Wu Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture
Based on the XOOPS system (eXtensible Object Oriented Portal System project, a Discoverable Knowledge Database), agrkb.angrin.tlri.gov.tw, was developed for animal breeding in Taiwan. XOOPS uses a relational database to store data required for running a web-based content management system by PHP programming language which can effectively set-up and maintain a comprehensive website for working group. The database is re-indexed routinely; therefore users can approach the newest data efficiently. The established knowledge data records were from documents of www.angrin.tlri.gov.tw. Documents were sorted, classified analysis and re-edited before integrated into the database. Seven categories were available now which included special albums (18 books), magazine (9 kinds) , digital books (20 books), rules(8 items),meeting documents(13 sorts),multimedia (6 groups) and breeding research reports. The developed AGRKB system is an extensible, object oriented, and easy to use dynamic web content management system. Farmers or general public can search the data or knowledge at farm/home by the on-line browse system. Efficient data and knowledge gathering and utilization will not only profit livestock producers but also can cumulate a heritage property for people of Taiwan, Republic of China.
Key words: Database, World web, Breeding