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約克夏完檢(英文) (2133)
農牧旬刊2012年2月25日 (618)
杜洛克公豬合照(英文) (683)
約克夏採精照片 (704)
藍瑞斯完檢(中文) (867)

1. 肉雞飼料用乳酸菌株之篩選分離
2. 蘭嶼豬粒線體細胞色素氧化酶第一次單元基因全長定序
3. 豬種的粒線體細胞色素b基因序列鑑定及親緣關係
4. 畜試土雞原原種異地繁殖三代之性能
5. 家禽性染色體上的紡綞蛋白基因分析
6. 乳牛瘤胃微生物多樣性分析
7. 努比亞山羊黏多醣症(G6S)基因致死效應之驗證
8. 利用累加性親屬係數圖形以探掘族群中的重要種畜禽
9. 台灣家畜禽育種知識資料庫整合與應用
10. 台灣土雞粒線體DNA全長定序及變異分析
11. 天噸乳牛產乳性狀與繁殖性狀之選拔
12. 畜試土雞近親品系九與來亨雞正反雜交後裔之生長與繁殖性能
13. 種豬飼料效率遺傳標記選拔族群建立

林德育(1) 楊琇雅(1) 江家豐(1) 黃文瑛(1) 鍾秀枝(1) 張秀鑾(2) 吳明哲(1)
(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立屏東科技大學畜產學系

為建立台灣土雞粒線體DNA遺傳資訊,已完成16個台灣土雞品系(包括12個選育品系與4個保種品系)之雞隻粒線體DNA全長定序(16,785-16,788 bp)。經DNA序列比對分析發現共有56個變異位點,其中有30個變異位點發生在11個蛋白質編碼基因中,產生的12個非同義置換與18個同義置換的位點;6個單點突變的位點發生在轉運RNA(tRNA);1個單點突變發生在12S 核糖體核酸(rRNA);14個單點突變的位點發生在D-loop調控區域以及2個單點突變與3個插入或缺失的位點發生在16S rRNA。粒線體DNA已普遍應用在物種鑑別、演化、保育及疾病的研究,這些資料除了可作為台灣土雞進行保種與選育的參考外,更可結合核內DNA提供新的動物模式之重要資訊。


Complete Sequences of Mitochondrial DNA of Taiwan Native chicken

D. Y. Lin(1), H. Y. Yang(1), C. F. Chiang(1), W. Y. Huang(1), H. C. Chung(1), H. L. Chang(2) and M. C. Wu(1)
(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
(2)Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

In order to explore the mitochondrial DNA information of Taiwan native chicken, we sequenced the entire mitochondrial genomes (16,785-16,788 bp) from sixteen lines of indigenous chicken included twelve selection lines and four conservation lines. A total of fifty-six variant sites were found. Thirty variant sites includes twelve non-synonymous substitutions and eighteen synonymous substitutions in eleven protein coding genes. There were six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the transfer RNA (tRNA) and one SNP in the 12S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and fourteen single nucleotide polymorphisms in the D-loop. In 16S rRNA, two SNPs and three insertions/deletions were detected. Mitochondrial genome has been widely used for study of species identification, evolution, conservation and disease researches. The integrated Mitochondrial genome data of Taiwan native chicken will be informative in future breeding and conservation studies. These data may also combine with other information from nuclear genomes to create the new animal models.

Key Words: Native chicken, Mitochondrial DNA, Sequence variation

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