生長性能檢定種豬之 X 與 Y 染色體微衛星標記交替基因數量研究 陳美如(1) 吳明哲(1) 廖仁寶(1) 賴永裕(1) 顏念慈(1) 郭廷雍(1) 蔡秀容(1) 林鴻霖(2) 王受鎔(2) 林正祥(2) 陳堵梅(3) 陳中興(3)
(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)中央畜產會種豬檢定站 (3)行政院農業委員會畜牧處 杜洛克(D)、藍瑞斯(L)及約克夏(Y)豬種之 70 日齡仔豬於新化檢定站進行生長性能檢定至體重 110Kg(母 100Kg) 或 160+7 日齡。本研究利用 201101 期至 201505 期等 36 期豬隻,總計 4,026 頭血樣,包括 D 公 2,113 頭、D 母 180 頭、L 公 974 頭、L 母 290 頭、Y 公 384 頭與 Y 母 85 頭。分析檢定豬性染色體的 14 個微衛星標記之交替基因型,微衛星標記分布在 X 染色體 1.1 至 128.4cM 位置順序為 SWR17、SW1325、SW1411、Sw2156、 SW980、SW2470、SW1522、SW1426、SY11、SO117、SW1943、SN218、SW2059、SW2588,但分布在 Y 染色體 4.7 至 57.8cM 位置。不分品種及性別,14 個微衛星標記之交替基因(片段鹼基數)數目依序有 8、19、7、 14、9、7、7、6、10、11、6、12、9、16 個。微衛星標記之交替基因問鹼基數長短(bp)依序為 142~160、115~165、 51~89、155~185、114~130、160~172、124~168、90~100、161~189、157~187、101~113、81~111、172~200、 100~166bp。選用有 19 個交替基因之 SW1325 來說明品種及性別差異,頭數最多的兩種基因型(鹼基數)在 D 公是 151+12 及 151+0、D 母是 151+12 及 151+4、L 公是 155+2 及 157+0、L 母是 155+2 及 155+0、Y 公是 153+2 及 155+0 與 Y 母是 155+0 及 153+2。不分性別,微衛星標記 SW1325 的交替基因在 D 品種以 151、155 及 163bp 居多;L 品種以 155 及 157bp 居多;Y 品種以 153 及 155bp 居多。性染色體的 14 個微衛星標記之交替基因型 資料如能作為品種內不同選拔品玄之基因條碼用,會有利於台灣種豬進行經濟性狀基因標記建置及選種。 關鍵語:種豬、遺傳標記、生長性狀 ANALYSIS OF ALLELIC VARIANTS FOR CHROMOSOME X AND Y-LINKED GENETIC MARKERS FROM PUREBRED PIGS UNDER GROWTH PERFORMANCE TEST M. L. Chen(1), M. C. Wu(1), R. B. Liao(1), Y. Y. Lai(1), N. T. Yen(1), T. Y. Kuo(1), H. L. Tsai(1), H. R. Lin(2), H. L. Wang(2), C. H. Lin(2), P. M. Chen(3) and C. H. Chen(3)
(1) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, (2)Swine Growth Performance Test Station, National Animal Industry Foundation, (3)Animal Industry Division, Council of Agriculture Duroc (D), Yorkshire (Y) and Landrace (L) pigs at 70 days of age were tested for growth performance at Hsinhua Station. The off-tested age was on the weight of 110kg (100kg for gilt) or by 160+7 days of age. A total of 4,026 pig blood samples was collected during the sum of 36 classes from class 201101 to class 201505, in which were 2,113 D boars, 180 D gilts, 974 L boars, 290 L gilts, 384 Y boars and 85 Y gilts. Genetic markers on chromosome X located from 1.1 to 128.4cM and on chromosome Y located from 4.7 to 57.8cM were 14 loci in the sequence of SWR17, SW1325, SW1411, Sw2156, SW980, SW2470, SW1522, SW1426, SY11, SO117, SW1943, SN218, SW2059 and SW2588. Allelic variants for those 14 genetic markers were detected in all breed and gender as counts of 8, 19, 7, 14, 9, 7, 7, 6, 10, 11, 6, 12, 9 and 16 variants, respectively. The variation of DNA fragment size of 14 genetic markers were 142~160, 115~165, 51~89, 155~185, 114~130, 160~172, 124~168, 90~100, 161~189, 157~187, 101~113, 81~111, 172~200 and 100~166bp, respectively. Analysis on SW1325 to have 19 variants in various breed and gender by using a higher frequency of allelic genotype, there were 151+12 and 151+0 genotypes in D boars, 151+12 and 151+4 genotypes in D gilts, 155+2 and 157+0 genotypes in L boars, 155+2 and 155+0 genotypes in L gilts, 153+2 and 155+0 genotypes in Y boars, 155+0 and 153+2 genotypes in Y gilts. Major allelic variants of SW1325 regardless of gender were 151, 155 and 163bp in D, 155 and 157bp in L, and 153 and 155bp in Y, respectively. Utilization of allelic variants of 14 genetic markers on sexual chromosome as gene barcodes for various selection lines within breed, it could be beneficial to establish genomic databank on gene-linked economic trait for selection of pig breeds in Taiwan. Key Words: Breeding pig, Genetic marker, Growth trait

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