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農牧旬刊2006年1月15日 (8002)
藍瑞斯完檢(英文) (1698)
約克夏公豬合照(中文) (1048)
約克夏側面照 (1076)
中國畜牧2010年十二月號 (1688)

1. 35.種豬厭氧腸道菌培養體學分析之初探
2. 44.即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應檢測努比亞山羊黏多醣症之基因型分析
3. 45.即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應檢測土雞A-FABP基因Exon1點突變多態性之基因型分析
4. 46.即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應檢測土雞H-FABP 基因Intron2 點突變多態性之基因型分析
5. 84.畜試所藍殼烏骨雞之微衛星遺傳標記多態性分析
6. 85.畜試所藍殼烏骨雞選育族群之家禽白血病 J 病毒監測
7. 90.乳牛場IOT物聯網建置之研究
8. 100.種豬體型、腳蹄評鑑與承購價關連性探討
9. 107.畜產種原維護保存的現在與未來
謝佳容(1) 賴永裕(1) 吳明哲(1)

氣候變遷與疫病橫行是對全球畜牧產業的嚴峻考驗,而各國面對此挑戰除了加速對於耐 逆境品系的選育及飼養管理的調整外,更是以完備的種原庫作為種原維護與保存的最後 一道防線。聯合國農糧組織(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)也 有提供一系列的指引,供各國作為其在地畜產種原維護之參考。台灣畜產種原中心於 2004 年啟用,由凍存中心與DNA 庫所組成,其中收納了畜產試驗所在過去數十年間培 育的優質畜禽品種,包含黃牛、水牛、豬、山羊與雞等物種。除了以種原庫保存畜產種 原,積極活化應用種畜禽資源與種原庫是畜產種原維護的下一步。惟有讓大眾了解畜產 種原的得之不易,在地種原在畜牧產業及生物多樣性上扮演重要的角色,並促使業者一 同投入種畜禽的應用,方能使畜產種原的維護與保存能永續經營。


The present and future of the maintenance and preservation of breeding stocks

C. J. Hsieh(1), Y. Y. Lai(1) and M. C. Wu(1)
(1)Division of Breeding and Genetics, Livestock Research Institute, COA

Climate change and epidemic disease are critical challenges for the worldwide animal industries. In order to cope with these challenges, it is necessary to accelerate the breeding of anti-adversity lines and to adjustment the husbandry management. Also, the complete animal germplasm bank is the last line of defense for breeding stock maintenance and preservation. Furthermore, FAO provides a serial of guidelines to guide the countries for their local breeding stock germplasm preservation. Taiwan Animal Germplasm Center (TAGC) was established in 2004, and it was constituted by the cryopreservation center and DNA bank. The collections of farm animal germplasm in TAGC were from the elite breeding stocks which Taiwan Livestock Research Institute (TLRI) bred for decades, including yellow cattle, buffalo, pig, goat, chicken, etc. Besides preserving the germplasm of farm animals in the animal germplasm bank, applying the genetic resource of breeding stock and animal germplasm bank actively is the next step. Ultimately, it is important to let people know that precious local animal germplasms play significant roles in the animal industry and biodiversity, as well as to invite the farm owns to involve in the applications of breeding stocks, to make the breeding stock germplasm sustainably maintain and preserve.
Key Words: Farm animal, Breeding stock, Germplasm preservation, Germplasm bank, Biodiversity

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