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藍瑞斯母豬合照(中文) (1408)
約克夏公豬合照(中文) (1267)
杜洛克側面照 (1102)
杜格克完檢(中文) (1174)
畜牧半月刊2010年6月30日 (1182)

1. 42. 即時聚合酶鏈鎖反應檢測商用土雞與蛋雞 OC-116 基因點突變之基因型分析
2. 44. 豬隻產仔性狀候選標記 EXOC4 頻率分析
3. 57. 台灣土雞近親品系台畜一號種公雞與其後代體重整齊度分析
4. 98. 豬 GPAT1 與 PRKAG 3 基因點突變多態性之基因型分析
5. 105. 季節對杜洛克公豬精液品質之影響
6. 112. 臺灣登錄山羊微衛星遺傳標記基因多樣性分析一努比亞山羊族群析
7. 123. 不同超音波導引探頭應用於淘汰牛隻體內撿卵之效果比較
8. 135. 番鴨 iPSC 細胞株建立與水禽小病毒感染測試
9. 137. 畜產試驗所實驗兔線上銷售系統上線
10. 143. 利用豬誘導多能性幹細胞建構組織工程血管
11. 144. 蘭嶼豬生物醫學影像之建構
12. 153. 不同孵化時期提高溫度對雛雞品質及死亡率的影響
13. 155. 乳牛活體採卵效能提升
14. 162. 紅馬鹿鹿茸不同部位之生長因子含量分析測定
15. 163. 應用精子新穎參數於種公豬精子耐凍性之評選
155. 乳牛活體採卵效能提升

曲鳳翔(1) 郭廷雍(1) 陳裕信(2) 李佳蓉(2)

(1)農業部畜產試驗所遺傳生理組 (2)農業部畜產試驗所畜產經營組

人工生殖技術應用旨在提高家畜經濟效益,在這些技術應用中,體外胚胎生產(IVEP)受到關注,其在畜牧產業中的應用不斷增加。全球牛胚移置數量近十年間成長 10 倍(20 萬∼ 200 萬/每年)其中以活體採卵配合胚體外生產(OPU-IVP)占大多數(2022 年已達 68% 以上),已成為改善牛隻繁殖育種效能及提升單位產量的重點研發方向。本研究的目的是在評估乳牛活體採卵(Ovum Pick Up)採集卵母細胞之效能,以直腸觸診方式固定卵巢利用超音波顯影探頭配合採卵探針,吸取卵巢濾泡中的卵子,這樣的操作過程需要嫻熟的技巧才能達到 60%以上的回收率。經過表面鍍層的取卵探針,能有效提升在超音波顯示螢幕上的顯影效果,相較傳統探針卵子平均可提升回收率 7%。


Improved Efficiency of Oocytes Collection from Dairy Cattle

F. H. Chu(1), T. Y. Guo(1), Y. S. Chen(2) and J. R. Li(2)

(1)Genetics and Physiology Division, Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture
(2)Livestock Management Division, Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture

The application of artificial reproductive technologies aims to improve the economic benefits of livestock. Among these technological applications, in vitro embryo production (IVEP) has attracted attention, and its application in the livestock industry continues to increase. The number of bovine embryo transfers worldwide has increased tenfold in the past decade (200,000 to 2 million / year), of which live egg collection combined with in vitro embryo production (OPU-IVP) accounts for the majority (reaching more than 68% in 2022), which has become The key research and development direction is to improve the efficiency of cattle breeding and increase unit output. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of Ovum Pick Up in collecting oocytes from dairy cows. The ovaries are fixed in the rectal veterinary examination method and the eggs in the ovarian follicles are aspirated using an ultrasonic imaging probe combined with an egg collection probe. In this way the operation process requires skilled skills to achieve a recovery rate of more than 60%. The surface- coated egg retrieval probe can effectively improve the development effect on the ultrasonic display screen, and can increase the recovery rate by an average of 7% compared with traditional probes.

Key Words: Dairy cattle, Ovum Pick Up, Embryo in vitro production

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